Pre-Logoff script or properly shutting down an application at shutdown..

  • Thread starter Thread starter Homer Simpson
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Homer Simpson

I need to know how to make a pre-logoff script for XP Pro. I have a
program that must be shut down properly by exiting the program before

Is this possible?
On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 15:33:37 -0400, Homer Simpson wrote in message

> I need to know how to make a pre-logoff script for XP Pro. I have a
> program that must be shut down properly by exiting the program before
> shutdown/logoff....
> Is this possible?

Here is a VBS script I found on the Net. The author is Marty Lindsay. This
example uses the process rsh.exe


ProcessToKill = "rsh.exe"
Set WMI=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").ExecQuery
("select * from Win32_Process")
For Each Process in WMI
If = ProcessToKill Then
End If


Save with the ending .vbs and put it on your desktop.
Re: Pre-Logoff script or properly shutting down an application atshutdown..

[Homer Simpson] wrote-:
> I need to know how to make a pre-logoff script for XP Pro. I have a
> program that must be shut down properly by exiting the program before
> shutdown/logoff....
> Is this possible?

Yes. Use the taskkill command :
TASKKILL.exe /im processname

Good Luck, Ayush.
XP-Tips [Change the thumbnail picture of a folder] :
On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 17:38:36 -0600, Ayush wrote in message

> [Homer Simpson] wrote-:
>> I need to know how to make a pre-logoff script for XP Pro. I have a
>> program that must be shut down properly by exiting the program before
>> shutdown/logoff....
>> Is this possible?

> Yes. Use the taskkill command :
> TASKKILL.exe /im processname

I have no such command as 'taskkill.exe' (and I've never heard of it,
either). Or did you misspell it?
Re: Pre-Logoff script or properly shutting down an application atshutdown..

[Iceman] wrote-:
>> Yes. Use the taskkill command :
>> TASKKILL.exe /im processname

> I have no such command as 'taskkill.exe' (and I've never heard of it,
> either). Or did you misspell it?

Taskkill is only available to XP Pro & Windows 2003. Are you using XP Home ?


Good Luck, Ayush.
XP-Tips [Create a keyboard shortcut to open a folder] :
On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 07:09:20 -0600, Ayush wrote in message

> [Iceman] wrote-:
>>> Yes. Use the taskkill command :
>>> TASKKILL.exe /im processname

>> I have no such command as 'taskkill.exe' (and I've never heard of it,
>> either). Or did you misspell it?

> Taskkill is only available to XP Pro & Windows 2003. Are you using XP Home ?

On this computer, yes. The answer occurred to me later. Thank you for the
info an link.