Ports Not Open Before Windows 2000 Logon?


Jun 9, 2005
I am trying to connect to my home computer from work three different ways which usually work:

Windows IIS server
and another Winsock program I wrote.

When it works, all three work.
When it doesn't work all three do not work.

All the applicable ports are open on my router
but sometimes I cannot connect remotely before a logon.

So basically I am turning my computer before leaving home.
It then stays on the logon screen.

I can ping the IP which is entered into a DnsMadeEasy.com databas by my program and has good TTL.

But like I said the problem is intermittent.

I don't know if this would be an ISP problem, a router problem, or a computer problem.
This is puzzeling and not sure where to look to fix it.
Are the programs you're trying to connect to remotely actually running at the login prompt? A user's startup programs aren't run until they log on ...
Not sure about 2000, but I know in XP, if you log off, then back on without doing a reboot, sometimes the NIC won't initiate right. It shows its there, but no signal.
GavinO said:
Are the programs you're trying to connect to remotely actually running at the login prompt? A user's startup programs aren't run until they log on ...

Yea they are all running as NT Services. (before Logon)