Pop Up when turning PC off

  • Thread starter Thread starter MENP
  • Start date Start date


When I turn off the PC in the normal way, a window appears headed
"McciAsyncEventMgrWnd". This tells me if I close down straight away I will
loose any unsaved documents.

Where did this new window come from and why? how do I get rid of it? I
cannot find it in any of the folders and it slows the whole shut down

Any help would be appresiated
"MENP" wrote:

> When I turn off the PC in the normal way, a window appears headed
> "McciAsyncEventMgrWnd". This tells me if I close down straight away I will
> loose any unsaved documents.
> Where did this new window come from and why? how do I get rid of it? I
> cannot find it in any of the folders and it slows the whole shut down
> proseedure
> Any help would be appresiated

Do you have the Interconnect Solutions installed on your machine?.
By the looks of this message it tells you/us that there is an
application/program/service didn't release the memory back to the CPU and
causing a delay in the shut down which caused the system to shout and issue
this pop-up to tell there a hanging program didn't release the memory and
wanting and answer from you (user).
Download these tool to see the running processes in real-time:
Then download these tools to see the running processes in real-time and you
can search them to make sure they are Legit.
"Process Explorer for Windows v10.21"

"AutoRuns for Windows v8.61 By Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell"
"MENP" wrote in message
> When I turn off the PC in the normal way, a window appears headed
> "McciAsyncEventMgrWnd". This tells me if I close down straight away I
> will
> loose any unsaved documents.

You only showed a window title name or maybe a process mentioned in the
error but neglect to show the entire error message in the popup. The
window had no title and the only text within the window was
"MccAsyncEventMgrWnd"? If that is all it said, explain how you came to
the conclusion that you will lose any unsaved documents? Do you
actually have some application open called McciAsyncEventMgrWnd that you
were editing some document?

> Where did this new window come from and why? how do I get rid of it?
> I
> cannot find it in any of the folders and it slows the whole shut down
> proseedure

So when you do a file search on "mcci*", anything found?