Placing desktop icon in Taskbar?


Active Member
Apr 5, 2005
In XP Pro, can anyone give me the steps needed to place any icon from the Desktop unto the Taskbar so I can launch the program from the Taskbar's icons please? Thanks.
p.s. I tried to do it from the Taskbar/start menu option in the Control Panel but it does not work, I guess I am doing something wrong.
Very easy to do.
First right click the taskbar and select unlock the taskbar. You'll see the seperater for your taskbar icons. Click and hold it and move over to the right a bit to make room for the new icon.
Now click and drag the icon from the desktop to the taskbar. Done.
You can also drag program icons from the programs folder, from the start menu, text files or anything else you want quick access to by using the same method.