pirated windows

  • Thread starter Thread starter fordbill
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Does anyone buy software anymore?

XP, Vista and Office 2007 are all available for free online. They all
have serial numbers and activation cracks, they are even go through
Microsoft's own validation process. I'm sure many of you have pirated
software but don't like to admit it.

Lets take a poll.

Reply back for: Yes, I have pirated software or No, I do not have
pirated software.
Le me give you a few reasons:
Have you heard: "Help virus!", "I have spy-ware", "This doesn't work", "That
crashed", "Explorer is sloooow, lags again!!!", "ops Windows Activation
caught me, I'm locked out and I need to crack it again".

Well, I don't have neither Antivirus nor Anti-spy-ware, nor any other
protection software installed. I don't need it, and I feel safe without it.
My computer responds fast and is very stable. I have the latest windows
updates installed. I never worry to validate my version of windows and I
have access to every single free download on Microsoft's web site.

Suppose that you have good programming skills and create a great software
product. And so You sell one copy, but then it spreads around the world
pirated. You are not paid for it any more, so You don't have resources to
make improvements to it. Then there won't be any new versions of it.
Congratulations Your product just died!

So if you like a product, then support the authors and there will be
improvements and support for you. And if you cannot afford to, well, there
are usually other ways, as you said, but there is also the chance to suffer
from it.

"fordbill" <fordbill100@yahoo.com> wrote in message
| Does anyone buy software anymore?
| XP, Vista and Office 2007 are all available for free online. They all
| have serial numbers and activation cracks, they are even go through
| Microsoft's own validation process. I'm sure many of you have pirated
| software but don't like to admit it.
| Lets take a poll.
| Reply back for: Yes, I have pirated software or No, I do not have
| pirated software.
On 2007-07-14, fordbill <fordbill100@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Does anyone buy software anymore?
> XP, Vista and Office 2007 are all available for free online. They all
> have serial numbers and activation cracks, they are even go through
> Microsoft's own validation process. I'm sure many of you have pirated
> software but don't like to admit it.
> Lets take a poll.
> Reply back for: Yes, I have pirated software or No, I do not have
> pirated software.

No, I don't have pirated software. Just because one is able to do
something does not make it right to do so.

The choice between buying Windows or Office and pirating the same is
a false dichotomy. If you genuinely require Microsoft software to
make a living, then write it off as a business expense; otherwise,
go download a Linux distribution, Solaris, one of the BSDs, or any
of the other free alternatives and stop committing copyright


Mark Shroyer
I support a number of independent sites, and policies vary, the majority are
fully-licensed, but some site managers insist on buying software from Russia.
To the latter I always point out that licensing is their responsbility, and
if they get caught...

Technically the pirates should be reported, but there's always the issue of
shooting yourself in the foot. As any businessman will tell you, losing
clients is the easy part; replacing them the diffcult one.

As for alternatives, Windows still rules the desktop but Linux is starting
to make inroads into the server market. Understandable as Linux is too
unfamiliar/complex for the average user, but represents a very significant
cost-saving in the server role. For a server you pay the IT company to
maintain it, so in that case unfamiliarity isn't so much of an issue.
"Ian" wrote:
|I support a number of independent sites, and policies vary, the majority
| fully-licensed, but some site managers insist on buying software from
| To the latter I always point out that licensing is their responsbility,
| if they get caught...
| Technically the pirates should be reported, but there's always the issue
| shooting yourself in the foot. As any businessman will tell you, losing
| clients is the easy part; replacing them the diffcult one.
| As for alternatives, Windows still rules the desktop but Linux is starting
| to make inroads into the server market. Understandable as Linux is too
| unfamiliar/complex for the average user, but represents a very significant
| cost-saving in the server role. For a server you pay the IT company to
| maintain it, so in that case unfamiliarity isn't so much of an issue.

In fact UBUNTU linux
is very user friendly and there is the Beryl project...
....Just to make it look and feel like Windows Vista and even better!
See it on YouTube:
Yes, I know of quite a few people using Ubuntu. One of its advantages is is
that (like Windows XP) it's becoming a de-facto standard for desktop use, and
that means support is easier to find.

As for Vista, the uptake is presently a big, round zero. Everyone asks for
XP, and that means either choosing from a very limited selection of new XP
PCs, or else doing what I suppose is technically piracy - downgrading a new
Vista box to XP.

Myself, recently switched to Debian for the office fileserver. Don't think
I'll be regretting that decision any time soon, either. ;-)

Another important point often missed is that the true cost of licensing
amounts to far more than the price of the bits of paper that make you legal.
With the extreme complexity of Microsoft's licensing-terms, ensuring
compliance is very definitely a nontrivial task, in fact it's one which could
take a trained IT lawyer a substantial amount of time.

This is one aspect that MS conveniently overlook when comparing "The true
cost of ownership of Windows vs Linux."

"George Valkov" wrote:

> In fact UBUNTU linux
> http://www.ubuntu.com/
Almost every consumer has Windows already installed on their computer by the
retailer, so I would guess that the only true "pirates" are found among
those who build their own systems, from parts. It's been my experience that
other folks usually run a "pirated" copy of Windows because earlier versions
(like XP) are no longer distributed by MS (and the consumer doesn't want
Vista), or they like to do a lot of clean installs, and get fed up with the
whole activation/validation process.

Yes, I know that the process is "simple" and "quick", but many consumers
continue to be ticked off with the concept that they have to get MS's
permission to use something they believe they've alread paid up front for.
If you're interested, you might do a little research into the whole
"licencing concept", and how it started way back when only big corporations
were using computers. I think when computers became available to
individuals, software makers should have re-thought this. The idea that
handing over 400 dollars only entitles you to "use" the software, not "own"
the software, is lost on most consumers. When they go out and buy a car, for
example, they don't pay big bucks just to use it, while the carmaker retains
ownership of it. They buy the car.

I'm alway wondering if MS will eventually remove post that address the
piracy issue from their newsgroups. We'll see.

"fordbill" <fordbill100@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Does anyone buy software anymore?
> XP, Vista and Office 2007 are all available for free online. They all
> have serial numbers and activation cracks, they are even go through
> Microsoft's own validation process. I'm sure many of you have pirated
> software but don't like to admit it.
> Lets take a poll.
> Reply back for: Yes, I have pirated software or No, I do not have
> pirated software.
George Valkov wrote:

> Well, I don't have neither Antivirus nor Anti-spy-ware, nor any other
> protection software installed. I don't need it, and I feel safe without it.

that is the MOST SELFISH and dangerously delusional comment I have EVER
heard. You are deluding yourself, and are a menace and a danger to the
internet at large. How do you KNOW 100% you are not infected? Do you not
receive attachments from outside your computer? Is your machine nor
connected to the internet? How do you KNOW 100% that your machine is not
a spam zombie?

YOU and all others like you are the DIRECT cause of the floods of spam
and viruses washing round the internet.
Ian wrote:

> As for alternatives, Windows still rules the desktop but Linux is starting
> to make inroads into the server market. Understandable as Linux is too
> unfamiliar/complex for the average user,

Umm IMHO current distros such as Ubuntu and PCLinuxOS are no more
difficult for the average user to use as the transition from Windows 98
to XP was....
| George Valkov wrote:
| >
| > Well, I don't have neither Antivirus nor Anti-spy-ware, nor any other
| > protection software installed. I don't need it, and I feel safe without

"Gordon" wrote
| that is the MOST SELFISH and dangerously delusional comment I have EVER
| heard. You are deluding yourself, and are a menace and a danger to the
| internet at large.
Take it easy! I'm not that great to threaten the whole Internet ;-)

| How do you KNOW 100% you are not infected?
Define 100%? If you want to have better security, then invest in better

| Do you not receive attachments from outside your computer?
Well I do receive attachments. There are many people that receive
attachments by e-mail, without infecting their computers. If you fear that
someone has sent you some harmfull content, then most e-mail boxes support a
variety of actions like Delete, Block, Unwanted mail, Virus checking and so

| Is your machine nor connected to the internet?
Yes, and so what?
| How do you KNOW 100% that your machine is not a spam zombie?
Ah, you mean that... Can you imagine - all of the computers on the world are
being zombies! Grrrrr! On the other hand - a zombie living in a world of
zombies... That's as safe as a human living on the planet Earth.

| YOU and all others like you are the DIRECT cause of the floods of spam
| and viruses washing round the internet.
Mr. / Mrs. Gordon, why do you offend me directly?
"George Valkov" <a@b.com> wrote in message
|| George Valkov wrote:
|| >
|| > Well, I don't have neither Antivirus nor Anti-spy-ware, nor any other
|| > protection software installed. I don't need it, and I feel safe without
|| > it.

|| "Gordon" wrote
|| How do you KNOW 100% you are not infected?
|| How do you KNOW 100% that your machine is not a spam zombie?

There's no such thing like 100% security!
But does your antivirus software guarantee to keep your computer 100% free
from any bad thing on the web?

By he way on the windows update site there's the Microsoft Malicious
software removel tool. Of cource it won't keep your PC safe from everything,
but is a way to make you computer safer.
darkrats wrote:

> Almost every consumer has Windows already installed on their computer by the
> retailer, so I would guess that the only true "pirates" are found among
> those who build their own systems, from parts. It's been my experience that
> other folks usually run a "pirated" copy of Windows because earlier versions
> (like XP) are no longer distributed by MS (and the consumer doesn't want
> Vista), or they like to do a lot of clean installs, and get fed up with the
> whole activation/validation process.
> Yes, I know that the process is "simple" and "quick", but many consumers
> continue to be ticked off with the concept that they have to get MS's
> permission to use something they believe they've alread paid up front for.
> If you're interested, you might do a little research into the whole
> "licencing concept", and how it started way back when only big corporations
> were using computers. I think when computers became available to
> individuals, software makers should have re-thought this. The idea that
> handing over 400 dollars only entitles you to "use" the software, not "own"
> the software, is lost on most consumers. When they go out and buy a car, for
> example, they don't pay big bucks just to use it, while the carmaker retains
> ownership of it. They buy the car.
> I'm alway wondering if MS will eventually remove post that address the
> piracy issue from their newsgroups. We'll see.

It's a fallacy to believe that Microsoft never thought of profiting
from the consumer. Its entire licensing philosophy is based on having
the retail consumer pay the full price for its products. And this all
started with Microsoft persuading computer builders to insert MS-DOS
as the operating system for their products and then the Office apps,
and so on. Both the builders and major corporations paid essentially
low dollar after heavy discounting. Whilst Microsoft (and others) were
propagating their products, they also turned a blind eye to "piracy",
just to increase the number of users. Well, the era of rapid growth
in the computer business has just reached steady-state and it's time
to gather in the money.

And not to quibble on the legal aspects, but it is impossible to "own"
even a share of a copyright. And software is not a tangible product;
it cannot be bought, per se, but licensed for use and what is bought
is the cdrom or floppy diskettes on which it comes. The only people
who might have a claim to ownership would be Microsoft's preferred
George Valkov wrote:
> | George Valkov wrote:
> | >
> | > Well, I don't have neither Antivirus nor Anti-spy-ware, nor any other
> | > protection software installed. I don't need it, and I feel safe without
> it.
> |
> "Gordon" wrote
> | that is the MOST SELFISH and dangerously delusional comment I have EVER
> | heard. You are deluding yourself, and are a menace and a danger to the
> | internet at large.
> Take it easy! I'm not that great to threaten the whole Internet ;-)
> | How do you KNOW 100% you are not infected?
> Define 100%? If you want to have better security, then invest in better
> security!
> | Do you not receive attachments from outside your computer?
> Well I do receive attachments. There are many people that receive
> attachments by e-mail, without infecting their computers. If you fear that
> someone has sent you some harmfull content, then most e-mail boxes support a
> variety of actions like Delete, Block, Unwanted mail, Virus checking and so
> on.

A large majority of viruses are spread by opening infected attachments

> | Is your machine nor connected to the internet?
> Yes, and so what?
> | How do you KNOW 100% that your machine is not a spam zombie?
> Ah, you mean that... Can you imagine - all of the computers on the world are
> being zombies! Grrrrr! On the other hand - a zombie living in a world of
> zombies... That's as safe as a human living on the planet Earth.

Are you living under a rock or in a cave? THERE ARE MILLIONS OF ZOMBIE
COMPUTERS spewing out spam.
Just take a look at some of these and you will realise the extent of the


> | YOU and all others like you are the DIRECT cause of the floods of spam
> | and viruses washing round the internet.
> Mr. / Mrs. Gordon, why do you offend me directly?

Because you need to realise how dangerous and selfish you are.
"Gordon" wrote:
| George Valkov wrote:
| > | George Valkov wrote:
| > | >
| > | > Well, I don't have neither Antivirus nor Anti-spy-ware, nor any
| > | > protection software installed. I don't need it, and I feel safe
| > it.
| > |
| >
| > "Gordon" wrote
| > | that is the MOST SELFISH and dangerously delusional comment I have
| > | heard. You are deluding yourself, and are a menace and a danger to the
| > | internet at large.
| > Take it easy! I'm not that great to threaten the whole Internet ;-)
| >
| > | How do you KNOW 100% you are not infected?
| > Define 100%? If you want to have better security, then invest in better
| > security!
| >
| > | Do you not receive attachments from outside your computer?
| > Well I do receive attachments. There are many people that receive
| > attachments by e-mail, without infecting their computers. If you fear
| > someone has sent you some harmfull content, then most e-mail boxes
support a
| > variety of actions like Delete, Block, Unwanted mail, Virus checking and
| > on.
| A large majority of viruses are spread by opening infected attachments

Thanks for adding, and yet no one forces anyone to execute attachments. An
up to date software is not supposed to execute attackments by it self.

| > | Is your machine nor connected to the internet?
| > Yes, and so what?
| > | How do you KNOW 100% that your machine is not a spam zombie?
| > Ah, you mean that... Can you imagine - all of the computers on the world
| > being zombies! Grrrrr! On the other hand - a zombie living in a world of
| > zombies... That's as safe as a human living on the planet Earth.
| Are you living under a rock or in a cave?
| COMPUTERS spewing out spam.
| Just take a look at some of these and you will realise the extent of the
| problem.

Zombie computers are dangerous as long as Internet servers are being under
Home PC's could be a very rare target of attack so home users they don't
even bother about other zombie computers.

| > | YOU and all others like you are the DIRECT cause of the floods of spam
| > | and viruses washing round the internet.
| > Mr. / Mrs. Gordon, why do you offend me directly?
| Because you need to realise how dangerous and selfish you are.

Can you tell, if my computer floods internet servers or spreads spam or
On Sat, 14 Jul 2007 14:27:07 -0700, fordbill <fordbill100@yahoo.com>

>Does anyone buy software anymore?
>XP, Vista and Office 2007 are all available for free online. They all
>have serial numbers and activation cracks, they are even go through
>Microsoft's own validation process. I'm sure many of you have pirated
>software but don't like to admit it.
>Lets take a poll.
>Reply back for: Yes, I have pirated software or No, I do not have
>pirated software.

Yes, I have a legal copy at home. My boss insists on buying ONE copy
for the entire company. He says he bought the software. I just
smile, nod my head, and look stupid...
"Phisherman" <noone@nobody.com> wrote in message
> Yes, I have a legal copy at home. My boss insists on buying ONE copy
> for the entire company. He says he bought the software. I just
> smile, nod my head, and look stupid...

So how does he get round Product Activation?