Photo Info Not Working!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sam Braidley
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Sam Braidley

I normally use Microsoft Photo Info to add copyright and Author to my images,
but over the last few days it dosen't allow me to it just says:
Error applying changes to file whatever.jpg
Then it says:
The following x amout of pictures could not be wrriten to: image_name.jpg.
Have the files been moved or deleted?

Which they are still in the same place!
How can I fix this?
You're problem sounds like outdated material. Don't use it. It's garbage.
Start freshier.
Thanks, George

"Sam Braidley" wrote:

> I normally use Microsoft Photo Info to add copyright and Author to my images,
> but over the last few days it dosen't allow me to it just says:
> Error applying changes to file whatever.jpg
> Then it says:
> The following x amout of pictures could not be wrriten to: image_name.jpg.
> Have the files been moved or deleted?
> Which they are still in the same place!
> How can I fix this?