Phone/net problem


Active Member
Apr 5, 2005
We have been having a problem here with our phone and can't seem to solve it no matter what we try. We have had Verizon DSL ever since it started and a 2nd line for our phone, last year we got Verizon Voicewing service and soon after we started having all sorts of problems with our phone. We first thought that it was the Router becuase it was a few years old so we threw that in the trash and got a new DLink wireless Router, this all worked good for a few and then sma e problem all over again, when we call DLink for help, all of their tests turn out positive, the same for both the DSL and the Voicewing people so here we are dealing with 3 separate companies and can't get anywhere, something is conflicting somewhere between the 3 services.

Can anyone give me any idea where to start to fix this problem please? P.S One major obstacle in fixing this problem is that the the phone interruptions is intermittent so that is why this problem is hard to track down, it's like your car is giving trouble and when you take it to a mechanic, it works fine, the guy can't fix a problem if it's not there right? How would you guys attack this problem?
This more than likely a phone problem. Do you have a buzz, static or hum on the line?
Do you have filters on all the phones except for the one you have dsl hooked up too?
I "may" have found the problem, was on the Phone with the DSL people this morning and they had me move and connect the Modem directly to the main Phone box in the house which is in my bedroom and everything started working again, for now at least, I will have to give this a while before I am sold that this is the solution.

At first, I had thought it was the Phone so I had the new phone replaced just in case it might have been defective but same problem with the replacement Motorola phone, then I had thought it might be the power strip so I replace that with an expensive one that was made especially for pc systems, next we thought it might have been the router so we replaced that with a new DLink wireless router, we then changed the filters too. After all this hardware change I was then convinced that it might be the new voicewing phone service that was the culprit but I could find no one who has that service and related problems.

My wife then and still thinks that it may be either the 2 firewalls conflicting or a combination of all 3 things [modem, router and voicewing] that's conflicting somewhere. If we should still have the problems after this latest fix then we will have to look into those "conflict" issues.

p.s. To answer your question Bob, the phone problems are not
buzz, static or hums", it was always the phone cutting off or the connection breaking up or our answering machine not picking up or callers not getting our answering machine sometimes so the calls would go to to the online answering service.
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