Phone call from pretended windows technical support


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have received a phone call from a person who said she was from Windows Technical Support. She said that she wanted to talk about a problem with my computer. As I never give information to unknowns, I told her that I do not have a computer. She insisted
and said that she has a computer registered in my name and spelled out my name for me, just in case I didn't know how to spell! I insisted that I do not have a computer, to which she hung up without so much as a goodbye. The phone number that appeared on
my phone screen was as follows: +971 2 179 514 (the country code is that of the United Arab Emirates, in Abu Dhabi, to be more precise). I know Microsoft may have better things to do, but wouldn't it be a good thing if the authorities took a look into these
crooks/embezzlers / scam artist set-ups or in other words CALL CENTERS who prey on innocent and unsuspecting honest people? Isn't that why laws exist?

I am seriously alarmed when I get a call from an Indian accented woman from one of the Gulf countries to find that they have information about me and my computer.

Please tell me that when I register my computer or other such devices with Windows or Microsoft, that my personal information is not being sold out to criminals! Although the privacy agreements stipulate that it will not happen.

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