PC Assmbley problems (as always eh)


Aug 15, 2005
HELLO ALL !, was wondering if any one could give me some advice, Im building my pc currently and Im just at the stage where I would like to see if the power is working fine
now Ive got the motherboard installed fine and the processor and I stuck a stick of ram in there for good measure, im at the bloody front bit, now I have an Asus mother board..P smthing or other -e, and the front connections are at the bottom right, ive looked at the manual and no matter how man ways I put in the power switch connever the PC wont turn on..at all !, alough the standby light on the motherboard is on...so it is getting power at least.

Any ideas on if there needs to be somthing else installed like a hard drive before a PC will turn on, or should I just keep fiddling with the cables for a bit till I cry ?

Thanks for any help ^_^

If you have a processor, RAM, and a PSU hooked up to the motherboard, you should just have to connect the power button to the right part of the header. With poorly documented boards, this can be the most frustrating part, particularly if the power-on pins are at a different spacing than the case connector (typically they're adjacent pins, but some mobo makers put a pin or two in between). Does the mobo manual tell you specific pins, or just point to a large header and say 'power is in there somewhere'?