P4 FSB won't run at 800MHZ Help!


Jan 7, 2005
I got a new CPU P4 3.2E GHZ 478 socket. installed on a 865PE Neo2-V motherboard, chipset is obviously 865PE. Its made by MSI. Is p4 cpu ratio is locked? well here is my problem: My system says my cpu FSB is running only at 200MHZ isn't it suppose to run at 800MHZ? I can't change the ratio cause its locked, i don't see any way of unlocking it? Some tech dude told me that it runs at 800mhz and it will say that its running at 200MHZ but its really running at 800...? Is that true. WIll it screw over my cpu if I keep running it at 200MHZ? its running at 3.2 GHZ though. just FSB is at 200.. anyways if anyone could help me out i'd appreciate it.
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I'm fairly certain that modern Pentium 4's use a 200MHz quad-pumped bus (for an effective number of 800MHz, which is what the guys in marketing use). You basically have the transfer rate of an 800MHz bus, but clocked at 200MHz (I suppose the idea is to rate new technology in a way that it can be compared to older tech; a better unit would be peak data rate)