P4 CPU dead or motherboard


Nov 22, 2004
Yesterday when i went to use my pc i found it was stuck in stand by mode. I had it on all day because mine is the only one with internet and my brother was using it so i went to watch TV.

I had the power seting to turn the monitor off after two minutes but it would not come out of it. I then turned the power of the PC then back on, all fans going hard spins then stops blank screen no BIOS post.
At this point i got a big pain in my chest as i have seen this happen in other people PCs, something has fried

I took everyhing out and left MotherB CPU RAM GPU

First i checked CPU but there was no marks or smell showing that it had overheated. I turned it on with no CPU and that voice thing that comes on for hardware errors "CPU not installed" i think, could never understand that voice. but nothing happens when I put the CPU back in, blank screen no voice no beeps.

I have left it at that thinking that the CPU not working and the motherboard is ok.

ASUS P4T 533-C
P4 2.4
512 MB RDRam
6GB HD till I get another one
80GB HD (secondary)
GeForce 2mx
Windows 2000 Pro

I built this system my self using care and safety when handling hardware and had no problems with it for 3 years apart from a seagate 60 gb packing up at the 6 months a go.
It could be bad ram or graphics card.
Try to boot it with a different stick of ram. If that don't work try another graphics card.
If you have another P4 board or have a friend that has one you can use to test then put the cpu in and see if it works. Also put another cpu in your board and see if it works.
I have virtually identical specs as you, P4T533-C Motherboard with a 1.8A Mhz chip. On Monday, the day you posted, the exact same thing happened to me. I went to town, left my computer on, when I came back the computer was in sleep, wouldn't come out, and now doesn't turn back on at all.

It seems like we've done the same things: pulled everything out of the system, started putting things back in piece by piece. I get the "No CPU Installed" message without the CPU, but nothing with the CPU.

I just went and bought someone's used 1.5 Mhz chip and plugged it on, but no response with that chip either. Have you tried other motherboards? I'd be interested to know if you get your old chip working on a different motherboard.

Let me know, Thanks,
