Outlook printing problem with external content


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
There was a thread related to this in Outlook 2013.... I have had Outlook 2013 running for a week. Today I tried printing some airline reservations from Outlook. I had downloaded the external content on the reservation as I have for years with
Outlook 2007 - no issues and no hangups. When I went to print it, it tries to connect to the server - I see this was a bug with Outlook 2010... I had to restart Outlook several times and finally went to the airline
website and printed from there... No other issue wiht my printing and I like a lot of the time saving features in Office 2013...
Any suggestions on this one..is this still a known bug.. see berlow for the answer on Outlook 2010 forum...

Outlook can become quite slow when initiating the Print command as it will try to redownload the graphical content to build the Print Preview (this issue has been registered as a bug with the Outlook Team already). If the web server or connection
to it is slow as well this could hang for an extended period of time but even then 10 minutes is a very long time.

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