Our terms of use are changing email from Microsoft

  • Thread starter Thread starter DennisBrooker
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I got an email from Microsoft concerning Our terms of use are changing - I AM DISABLED and count on my computer for 95% of my communications with doctors, insurance companies, specialists, nurses, advisors, relatives, etc. etc. - Because I have almost NO cognitive ability left I spent almost an HOUR trying to find the right person to complain to in that in SMALL letters it stated at the BOTTOM of the email
The new updates to these will take effect on July 31, 2014. If you continue to use our services after July 31, 2014, you agree to the updated terms or, if you don't agree, you can cancel your service at any time.

I filed a complaint with a supervisor after getting jerked around for over 50 minutes chat, etc. - I can only set up for 10-15 minutes at a time - I FINALLY got the complaint filed and email confirmation - Why in GOD's name can't they be smart enough to put that statement at the TOP in BOLD lettering - I won't be around this world much longer and am trying to get my computer squared away for my wife that doesn't even know how to turn it on before I'm gone - As with most people today ALL of our banking, etc. HAS to be done by computer - WHY does MICROSOFFT keep making it harder and not easier? GOD help us all and may GOD help Microsoft find more people with common sense!!!!!!!!!!!!

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