HeyBub wrote:
> "In the same time, Linux's percentage has risen from only 0.29% to 0.63%.
> ... the cold truth is Linux on the desktop is still barely worth mentioning.
> To paraphrase: reports of its life have been greatly exaggerated. "
> http://www.applematters.com/index.php/section/comments/apple-is-killing-linux-on-the-desktop/
If it keeps doubling, it will reach 100% very soon. That said,
statistics can be used to prove anything if interpreted the right way. I
have this box with both Ubuntu and XP on it. When I go for Office
Updates with XP, the world thinks this computer is one for the XP count.
Yet, when I go on line with Ubuntu, the world thinks this computer is
one for the Ubuntu count. How many Windows boxes have been formatted and
replaced with Ubuntu? The fact that they were sold with Windows boxes
means they are counted as a Windows box when, in reality, that isn't
necessarily the case.
When Elvis released his first song and even after Elvis had a string of
hits, even Elvis didn't think Rock 'n' Roll would last very long. But it
caught on and the rest is history. The same thing can happen with
Ubuntu, especially if Redmond continues its total disdain for its paying
customers by forcing them to prove over and over and over again that
they paid for Windows or Office.
A year ago, no one knew what Ubuntu is. Now, I see it mentioned in the
local newspapers, radio and TV. What does that tell you?