Opening mail server to outside

  • Thread starter Thread starter Toasterman
  • Start date Start date


Sorry if I seem like a noob. Our manager got laid off and I'm not a Linux expert by any means. I need to be able to send and receive email addresses from our internal server over the internet. The email server is already set up and has its own registered domain name. Although it works fine from my phone, the exact same settings on my laptop give errors. Receiving email works fine but sending does not. Another employee in the company has the exact same issue with sending.
Normally 143 is receiving and 587 is sending.

This is the error I get:
An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: Authentication required for connections on TCP port 587. Please check the message recipient _______ and try again.
When I switch the outgoing port to 25, it says:
An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: Relaying not allowed - REASON. Please check the message recipient _______ and try again.
When I try to send an email to myself:
An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: 5.7.1 Mail (m-40439-54547) appears to be unsolicited - forged Helo: '[' - resend with ASSP-notspam appended to subject and contact _________ for resolution. Please check the message and try again.
When I try to send an email to someone else in the corporation:
An error occurred while sending mail: The mail server sent an incorrect greeting: 4.7.1 Please try again later.
All email addresses work fine inside the network.

Thanks in advance.

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