Online Shopping - Do I need a VPN?


Active Member
Jan 16, 2015
B.C. Canada
Windows 10
Edge 17.17134
I shop online and have never had any problems and have never used a VPN. Should I be using one? I am seeing ads that I should. . .
I shop online all of the time and never use a VPN.
I do, however, only use ONE particular computer for all online purchases and for banking.
As long as you have good layered security and are careful with your passwords, you should be good.

My husband uses a VPN to connect from his laptop at home to his work computer.
If you're sing your computer from home there's no reason to use a VPN. (Unless as Cindy noted, if you're connecting to a work computer.) Consider using a VPN if you're using your computer outside of your home.
I use only one computer (out of the 7 in our home) to do online shopping and banking. It is hard wired to the router. I have never used a VPN. I haven't had a problem yet.
I just have a laptop that I use for work (at home work) and for online shopping and banking. It is hardwired to the router. After seeing an article on VPN encouraging its readers that they need to use it for shopping, I got to wondering. I have had no problems thus far. Thank you folks, much appreciate your answers. I feel reassured. Happy holidays!
Here is a list of 5 that do not keep logs and verified to be true. You don't want a VPN keeping logs of sites you go to. Some claim to keep no logs but they actually do.
No Logs VPN Services That Have Actually Been Proven True

I'd probably try them all and see which I preferred. I'm not sure if there is a trial period. If not, you'd have to try each for a month then switch to another.

On another forum, in the linux section, members were discussing PIA, the last one on the list. It seemed to be favored by 3 or 4 people in the thread.