Office Web Applications 2013 - Unhealthy farm; Excel Calculation Services failed to convert the foll


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have a fresh deployment of Office Web Applications 2013.
I ran New-OfficeWebFarm with following arguments:
It ran OK, I can see the discovery XML.
Ever since then, an warning and several errors are logged in the event viewer:
Excel Web App, warning, ID 7914:

Excel Calculation Services failed to convert the following file: http://internal/ecsxlstest.xls
Office Web Apps Monitoring, error, ID 1043:

ExcelServicesEcsWatchdog reported status for ExcelServicesEcs in category 'EntireService'. Reported status: ECS watchdog test failed. Got CommunicationException System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerMessage]: We couldn't open this workbook in the browser. (Fault Detail is equal to Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerMessage).

and Office Web App Monitoring, error, ID 2043:

  ExcelServicesEcsWatchdog reported status for ExcelServicesEcs in category 'EntireService'. Reported status: ECS watchdog test failed. Got CommunicationException System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerMessage]: We couldn't open this workbook in the browser. (Fault Detail is equal to Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerMessage).
I connected Office Web Apps with Sharepoint 2013, the conenction is OK, the zones match, the integration is alive, but I can't open any document in the web apps.
I made a repair, reconfigured the office wep apps farm, and now it have following configuration:

PS C:Windowssystem32> Get-OfficeWebAppsFarm

FarmOU :
InternalURL : http://theserver/
ExternalURL : https://the.external.url/
AllowHTTP : True
SSLOffloaded : True
CertificateName : the friendly name
EditingEnabled : True
LogLocation : D:Logs
LogRetentionInDays : 7
LogVerbosity : VerboseEx
Proxy : http://the.proxy.server/
CacheLocation : D:Cache
MaxMemoryCacheSizeInMB : 8192
DocumentInfoCacheSize : 5000
CacheSizeInGB : 30
ClipartEnabled : True
TranslationEnabled : True
MaxTranslationCharacterCount : 125000
TranslationServiceAppId :
TranslationServiceAddress :
RenderingLocalCacheLocation : D:Rendering Cache
RecycleActiveProcessCount : 5
AllowCEIP : False
ExcelRequestDurationMax : 300
ExcelSessionTimeout : 450
ExcelWorkbookSizeMax : 10
ExcelPrivateBytesMax : -1
ExcelConnectionLifetime : 1800
ExcelExternalDataCacheLifetime : 300
ExcelAllowExternalData : True
ExcelWarnOnDataRefresh : True
OpenFromUrlEnabled : True
OpenFromUncEnabled : True
OpenFromUrlThrottlingEnabled : True
PicturePasteDisabled : False
RemovePersonalInformationFromLogs : False
AllowHttpSecureStoreConnections : False
Machines : {theserver}
The error remains. I tested manually to open the ecsxlstest.xls file, and it doesn't open indeed. Any xlsx file opens OK, but any xls file - does not.
The machine is reported "unhealthy", I guess, because of the error:
PS C:Windowssystem32> Get-OfficeWebAppsMachine

MasterMachineName MachineName Roles HealthStatus
----------------- ----------- ----- ------------

What can I do, to make the farm "healthy"? And what I need to do, to be able to open Excel 2003 files in web apps?

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