Office 2013 Displayed User Account


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I use Symantec Ghost to image lab PC's at a school. The first step in this process is to set up a PC using a generic domain user account. Once all the apps are installed & configured the profile for this user is copied to the Default user
so that all new users get the same setup.
Once the image is deployed to multiple PC's I've found that the user account information shown at the upper right of the Office 2013 apps still shows the generic user account used to create the image even though a different user is logged on to the
PC. I'd rather show the current user or, if possible, no user account information at all. I don't want the students to even know about the generic user account that I use to create the image and this situation essentially throws it in their
face each time they open one of the Office 2013 apps.
How can I force the Office 2013 apps to display the current user or hide this information altogether? I've tried deleting the registry entries related to Office identities but if I log off and log back on as a different user the original identity is
still displayed.

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