Office 2010 installed via GPO only after several reboots

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cristiano Tagliabue
  • Start date Start date

Cristiano Tagliabue

I followed some how-tos regarding the Office 2010's deploy via GPO, so I created an OU in which I move the PC's where I want to deploy Office. Linked to this OU I have a policy calling a batch file ( the path is \\MYDC\sysvol\mydomain\Policies\{EE7A2C7C-0F2C-4137-A48E-A2C8114CF90E}\Machine\Scripts\Startup ) and the bat is this:

REM Prende ProductName dal file Setup.xml di Office ed aggiunge "office14." come prefisso.
set ProductName=Office14.PROPLUS

REM Assegna DeployServer ad una cartella accessibile in cui ci sono i file di installazione.
set DeployServer=\\MYSERVER\apps\Office2010_SP1_x32_Campus_deploy

REM Assegna LogLocation ad una cartella in cui salvare i file di log.
set LogLocation=\\MYSERVER\apps\temp\Log_Office2010

REM Assegna ConfigFile al percorso del file Config.xml
set ConfigFile=\\MYSERVER\apps\Office2010_SP1_x32_Campus_deploy\ProPlus.WW\config.xml

REM *********************************************************************
REM Deploy: non modificare niente al di sotto!
REM *********************************************************************

IF NOT "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"=="" (goto ARP64) else (goto ARP86)

REM Sistema operativo a 64bit. Controlla se sia presente Office 32 nell'emulated Wow6432 uninstall
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%ProductName%
if NOT %errorlevel%==1 (goto End)

REM Controlla le versioni di Office 2010 a 32 e 64 bit nella normale chiave di uninstall.(Office a 64bit dovrebbe apparire anche qui su un OS 64bit)
reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%ProductName%
if %errorlevel%==1 (goto DeployOffice) else (goto End)

REM Se ritorna 1, Office non è installato, quindi esegue il setup.
start /wait %DeployServer%\setup.exe /adminfile standard_completo_silent_KMS.msp
echo %date% %time% Setup e' terminato con l'errore: %errorlevel%. >> %LogLocation%\%computername%.txt

REM Se ritorna 0 Office è installato o c'è stato un altro errore: esce dall'installazione senza fare nulla.


(sorry about REMs in italian: after setting the local variables, the batch checks if the s/o is 32 or 64 bits and if Office is already installed if Office isn't installed, the batch runs setup.exe with the msp file I customized).
The problem is that the policy starts every time Windows starts (correct), I can see that the installation starts (I see the Office 2010 logo) but I need to reboot the PC 2 or 3 times to complete the installation. I did a logon after the first installation just to find that Office 2003 was not uninstalled (I need to upgrade from 2003 to 2010, so I must test in this environment and not with a new and clean installation) I rebooted the PC with same results and just after I rebooted teh PC again there was no traces of 2003 and 2010 was correctly installed. During my tests I found that sometimes Office 2010 is installed just after 2 reboots, some other times after 3.
Thank-you very much.

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