Number of Linux Distributions Surpasses Number of Users !!!!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Moshe Goldfarb
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"Wes Groleau" <> wrote in message
> ray wrote:
>> Must be somewhat similar to vista stats - 150 million units sold 50 in
>> use.

> And 100 million people still _trying_ to get in "in use"

And you know this HOW?

Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting.
Undo the munge to reply by email
On Mon, 07 Apr 2008 08:19:58 -0500, chrisv wrote:

> Let's suppose that you're right. Now, what should one do about it? If
> one is "Hadron", one whines, pouts, stomps one's feet, and shamelessly
> lies about how "advocates don't understand that there would be benefits
> to focusing resources on fewer distros" (we do).
> On the other hand, one might understand that distro proliferation is
> what happens with FOSS, and there's no way to prevent it, so one accepts
> it and moves-on.

Even explaining it that simply won't make him understand, sorry.
>>I talked a little
>>about the problem with developing for KDE in regards to a C programmer, and
>>someone who obviously has no programming experience (despite his claims to the
>>contrary) posted an annoying fanboi response filled with accusations

>I remember this. Mark South probably. H's always at that and refuses
>to believe that something like KDevelop isn't straight from heaven.

Yes, that name sounds familiar. The sad irony is that, I wasn't talking about
KDevelop at all, nor even C programming in general. I was talking specifically
about QT programming in C, and made particular statements about that. Saying
that QT is the same as KDevelop is like saying MS Internet Explorer is the same
thing as the internet. Only someone not familiar with the details would make
that mistake, just as only someone not familiar with QT development in C would
make the mistake of assuming KDevelop is being discussed.

>>>I am hoping pulseaudio will prevail.

>> I'm hoping it will flop and go away. I have absolutely no confidence
>> in that

>I learnt something from the next paragraph.

I'm pleased. I hope that people do take a much closer look at what is being
packed into distros, and more people start doing code audits for security and
stability. It's not just the featureset that counts, but also the quality of
the code. I'd rather not have new software bundled if it comes at the expense
of efficiency and stability, and frankly offers marginally useful features.

>But a pity I cant get it to work properly with shared sound e.g mplyer,
>youtube and system sounds. I need to install esd/pulse for system
>sounds to work and then every now and again all sounds stops and get
>queued until something (god knows what) releases the queue and they all
>come piling out together,

Right. I just disabled system sounds altogether, and stopped the esd daemon.
I'm more interested in individual apps having sound than being able to hear
some sort of "click" noise when I open a folder, or a paper crumpling when I
empty the trash can.

That's not to say that the ALSA devs can't/shouldn't implement some sort of
"audio sharing", and then the Gnome developers can't/shouldn't abandon ESD and
go directly to ALSA. But given that this option isn't yet available, I
personally choose to abandon system sounds rather than risk
instability/inefficiency by using something like Pulse Audio. If Pulse Audio is
installed with a distro I use, I'll manually rip it out.

>The sound system has left me feeling totally drained. I dont know where to look
>anymore to be honest. Its a mess.

There's nothing majorly wrong with ALSA. It's stable and well-coded in regards
to error checking/handling. (Yeah, there are some design issues I have with it,
but it's no worse than much of what I see from the other sound choices).

What needs to be done is for people to totally reject things like Pulse Audio,
and instead petition the ALSA devs to do some serious peer studies/reviews on
implementing an audio/MIDI "sharing API", and then have app developers, and
especially the developers of Gnome and KDE, directly support ALSA. That will
solve the problems, in a much more efficient and stable way. Right now, the
ALSA devs are not doing this additional work on ALSA, and app devs aren't
supporting ALSA the way they should. And frankly, it's no fault of the app devs
for their support. The ALSA folks have produced very, very poor "documentation"
constructed with one of those horrid tools that pull comments out of source
code. In that case, it's not surprising that developers aren't supporting ALSA
better. ALSA is a more complicated API than something like Pulse Audio or aRTS
or JACK, etc. So given equally bad docs on all of the sound APIs, developers
are going to go for the ones that take the least amount of effort to figure out
on their own.

I've started a programming tutorial on ALSA and JACK at the following URL:

The ALSA folks really, really, really need to do something much like this.

And they could definitely benefit from getting their code base peer reviewed to
fix those things that people find frustrating to use.

>With pulse most things share or play simultaneously. Not with just alsa
>for me. I dont know why. I have given up.

Right. Pulse Audio's API has built-in "stream mixing" transparent to the app.
ALSA does not. That's not to say that ALSA cannot have this added to it in a
way that is more efficient, and more stable (since the ALSA devs have at least
shown that they understand the need for proper error checking, and have
designed their whole API to return error codes, as should be done. The Pulse
Audio authors simply do not understand the importance of this, and openly
refuse to attend to it).

>To be honest I'm not sure I agree with your issues with ignoring
>malloc. I do check myself but I often wonder "why bother". If I cant
>malloc 32 bytes or something then there are worse issues and the chance
>of the logging daemon working it about nil.

The problem with ignoring malloc's error return is why we have the OOM killer,
which is a kludge that should not have existed. If people had done proper error
checking to begin with, then Linux's low memory error handling would never have
amounted to killing some process without its permission or even knowledge. The
problem with doing this is that, a process may be handling important data that
needs to be saved to permanent media, but has not yet been done, when it is
killed. That's permanent loss of important data, and that is a very, very, very
bad thing. (It's a good thing that wall street firms don't really know about
the OOM killer. If they did, they may back away from Linux for this reason
alone. No one wants to lose data that could cost them dearly. If Win32
advocates really start to understand the implications, there is going to be
major fallout for serious Linux use).

All code that does not do proper memory checking needs to be purged from Linux,
and replaced with code that not only does proper error checking, but also
returns proper error codes so that any calling code can also do proper error
checking and handling. This is the key to stability. You can't have stability
without good error checking and handling all the way down the line.

But I see why you're thinking "why bother"? Linux already has the OOM Killer
now, as a result of needing to deal with code that totally ignores error
checking and stumbles head-on into inevitable major system instability. So
people often think "it's too late to do the right thing. I can't stop the OOM
Killer. So I may as well do the wrong thing like other folks did". It's my hope
that, as more and more people do the right thing, eventually their code will
replace the "wrong stuff" (because the former will be more stable), and the OOM
killer will eventually be able to be jettisoned and replaced with much more
effective, stable, and efficient low memory handling/recovery. But the last
thing we need is to be adding new things that do the wrong thing some more...
like Pulse Audio.
Just a clarification to my own message:

>Pulse Audio's API has built-in "stream mixing" transparent to the app.
>ALSA does not.

ALSA does not have a streaming API built-in. But it does have a "plugin" that,
like Pulse Audio, does stream mixing. This s referred to as "dmix". But one
limitation is that it only works with software that directly supports ALSA. If
you want Gnome system sounds, as well as all app sounds, to be simultaneously
mixed to your speaker outputs, then petition the Gnome developers to jettison
ESD and directly support ALSA instead. Petition all app developers to also
support ALSA. Then just use the dmix plugin as your main ALSA "card", and
you're all set.
netcat wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Apr 2008 13:25:34 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Apr 2008 13:25:34 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>> On Sun, 06 Apr 2008 12:24:14 -0500, netcat wrote:
>>> On Sun, 06 Apr 2008 13:07:44 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>> Of course Linux has been improving, but being able to create your own
>>>> distribution of the month caters to a small subset of geeks and does
>>>> nothing but further the confusion.
>>>> The vast majority of the market are USERS not geek programmer types.
>>>> That is one major reason why Linux does not appeal to average Joe.
>>> You don't have to be a geek. Under Ubuntu all it takes is one command
>>> to generate a LiveDVD using your current setup. You can use the LiveDVD
>>> on future reinstalls or if you plan to install to more than one
>>> machine, and you can also boot it on the same machine or a different
>>> one and have the same settings and applications as on your HD. Throw in
>>> a USB drive for persistent storage and you can even save data and
>>> configuration changes.

>> You've just proved my point.........

> Fortunately, the average user is smarter than a flounder...

Are you sure about that?

On Mon, 07 Apr 2008 15:51:27 -0400, Jeff Glatt wrote:

> If one agrees, there are a number of things. As just _one_ example, if you've
> ever written a "review" of some distro, do not focus upon the installation
> process, nor what apps are installed by default, what the desktop theme looks
> like, what versions of software are in the repository, nor whether it installs
> restricted codecs by default. Those are all minor, relatively irrelevant points
> (and yet nearly every distro review I've read is confined to discussing this
> small set of minor differences).


> But how about a difference between GoboLinux and Ubuntu's file layout, for
> example? If you had to recreate all those symbolic links on Ubuntu, now you're
> looking at major work for the enduser, because this is a difference that is not
> trivial to negate.
> So if you write a review, focus only upon things the distro can do that all
> other distros can't do without major work. And if there is no such feature,
> then either don't bother reviewing the distro, or simply say "This distro
> offers nothing significant that can't be gotten relatively easily upon most
> other distros.".
> If you read a review that focusses upon the minor differences, post a comment
> explaining the above to the reviewer and urge him to give attention to projects
> that truly provide something different, rather than hype another "me too"
> project (such as Ubuntu, which is vastly overrated, and stands upon the
> shoulders of Debian, which gets far too little credit as being the impetus
> without which Ubuntu could, and cannot, exist).

Bravo, Jeff. You've just articlated something that's been in the back of
my head bouncing around for a long time, but never quite came to the

You can't stop the "Me Too's", but you can certainly do one of a few

1) Shame them into going away

2) Shame them into actually doing something innovative and worth creating a
while new distro for.

3) Make it unattractive to rebrand something and change some config files.
Today, people get lavish praise for, in effect, the equivelent of plagerism
(filing the serial numbers off and changing a few things around).

And if none of that works, at least they won't be particularly popular.

The thing is, Ubuntu is a marketing movement, not a technology one.
Concentric is very good convincing the low-medium technical people that
it's something special. And maybe that's a good thing, maybe not. Other
communities are "better" in the sense that they tend to have more competent
members on average.
On Mon, 07 Apr 2008 16:11:55 -0400, Jeff Glatt wrote:

> Just a clarification to my own message:
>>Pulse Audio's API has built-in "stream mixing" transparent to the app.
>>ALSA does not.

> ALSA does not have a streaming API built-in. But it does have a "plugin" that,
> like Pulse Audio, does stream mixing. This s referred to as "dmix". But one
> limitation is that it only works with software that directly supports ALSA. If
> you want Gnome system sounds, as well as all app sounds, to be simultaneously
> mixed to your speaker outputs, then petition the Gnome developers to jettison
> ESD and directly support ALSA instead. Petition all app developers to also
> support ALSA. Then just use the dmix plugin as your main ALSA "card", and
> you're all set.

This is, in my estimation, the biggest problem Linux faces. It's not the
"choices" (though that's part of the problem), it's not "difference", it's
the incompatibilities between apps and configurations and various

And that's the result of balkanized development, in which people develop
*conflicting* systems.
"gls858" <> wrote in message
> netcat wrote:
>> On Sun, 06 Apr 2008 13:25:34 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>> On Sun, 06 Apr 2008 13:25:34 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>> On Sun, 06 Apr 2008 12:24:14 -0500, netcat wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 06 Apr 2008 13:07:44 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>>> Of course Linux has been improving, but being able to create your own
>>>>> distribution of the month caters to a small subset of geeks and does
>>>>> nothing but further the confusion.
>>>>> The vast majority of the market are USERS not geek programmer types.
>>>>> That is one major reason why Linux does not appeal to average Joe.
>>>> You don't have to be a geek. Under Ubuntu all it takes is one command
>>>> to generate a LiveDVD using your current setup. You can use the LiveDVD
>>>> on future reinstalls or if you plan to install to more than one
>>>> machine, and you can also boot it on the same machine or a different
>>>> one and have the same settings and applications as on your HD. Throw in
>>>> a USB drive for persistent storage and you can even save data and
>>>> configuration changes.
>>> You've just proved my point.........

>> Fortunately, the average user is smarter than a flounder...

> Are you sure about that?
> gls858

Well, in your case............
Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Apr 2008 16:11:55 -0400, Jeff Glatt wrote:
>> Just a clarification to my own message:
>>> Pulse Audio's API has built-in "stream mixing" transparent to the app.
>>> ALSA does not.

>> ALSA does not have a streaming API built-in. But it does have a "plugin" that,
>> like Pulse Audio, does stream mixing. This s referred to as "dmix". But one
>> limitation is that it only works with software that directly supports ALSA. If
>> you want Gnome system sounds, as well as all app sounds, to be simultaneously
>> mixed to your speaker outputs, then petition the Gnome developers to jettison
>> ESD and directly support ALSA instead. Petition all app developers to also
>> support ALSA. Then just use the dmix plugin as your main ALSA "card", and
>> you're all set.

> This is, in my estimation, the biggest problem Linux faces. It's not the
> "choices" (though that's part of the problem), it's not "difference", it's
> the incompatibilities between apps and configurations and various
> components.
> And that's the result of balkanized development, in which people develop
> *conflicting* systems.

Which is the outcome of open software. You can't have open software
telling anyone that they can make changes to the code as long as they
give it away when they do an they say its not right for some. All you
can do is stay away from the bad and hope it dies out.
>Erik Funkenbusch
>This is, in my estimation, the biggest problem Linux faces. It's not the
>"choices" (though that's part of the problem), it's not "difference", it's
>the incompatibilities between apps and configurations and various

>And that's the result of balkanized development, in which people develop
>*conflicting* systems.

Incompatibilities are a result of a lack of collaboration.

I feel it's more to do with open source developers mistakening "collaboration"
as "I take someone else's source code and hack at it. Then I release my hacked
version". That isn't collaboration. That's more like evolution if anything,
which may produce something different, but not necessarily something better,
nor something that can peacefully co-exist with what it evolved from.

At root of the issue is that I don't get the impression many open source
developers understand the concept of getting your ideas peer-reviewed, nor the
idea of flow-charting (which seems to be a lost programming art). They start
coding without enough pre-planning, finish up something, and _then_ they get
feedback when they say "Here's my initial offering for testing. Tell me how you
like it". It's too late by then. The "mistakes" have already been made.
Invariably, the dev takes the position of defending his own choices, and those
who wish it were somehow different are even more discouraged from working with
that person, and even more encouraged to go off on their own and develop
something completely incompatible. Unfortunately, those other developers often
seem to repeat the same mistake.
>Erik Funkenbusch
>Shame them into going away

I'm not interested in shaming them. I'm content with people simply not
overhyping them, nor supporting them. If more people knew that Ubuntu, and
especially its "community infrastructure", is vastly overrated (which is the
exact opposite of what message they're getting currently from the vast majority
of Linux related outlets), and that it's no better than a number of other
distros (and in some cases, worse -- I personally chose Debian over Ubuntu),
then that's enough of a message to get out. I want to tell people it's so, and
why I believe it's so. Let them hear that message and see if they don't find it
to be true themselves.

>Shame them into actually doing something innovative and worth creating a
>while new distro for.

It doesn't work that way. For example, if you post something on Canonical's
forums, that something about Ubuntu is not the greatest thing since sliced
bread -- no matter how reasoned nor detailed you explain your conclusions, the
fanbois who totally dominate those forums will see to it that equally fanatical
moderators ban you. Ubuntu doesn't get better as a result of criticism. It
simply censors the criticism and ups the hype.

It's important that people realize that things are definitely no better in
Ubuntu-land than with any other distro, and if someone tells you otherwise,
it's probably hype. I'm happy to explain exactly why I think that's so, and I
fully trust my ability to get my points across convincingly despite the fanatic
reactions of fanbois, nor the threat of censorship or personal attacks.

Now, I'm not saying Ubuntu is crap, and that the community is totally useless.
I'm just saying that Ubuntu offers nothing that many other distros offer, and
its community is absolutely no better than other communities (and in fact, I
personally think it's worse due to the proliferation of fanbois. If you go to
distrowatch, search the comments to the weekly newsletters for the word
"fanboi", the names of two particular distros will pop up overwhelmingly. One
of those distros is Ubuntu, and there's a good reason for that. It didn't just
happen for no reason).

>The thing is, Ubuntu is a marketing movement, not a technology one.

Definitely. Ubuntu is all talk. The overwhelming work of making it happen was
done by Debian. It's just that a lot of fanboi elements started hyping Ubuntu
until people now falsely believe that it, and its community, are better than
the majority of other distros, and that Ubuntu itself is "Linux". In fact,
Ubuntu itself is a "me too" distro based upon Debian, with a "fan base" that
has usurped the work of the original, and hyped it as their own.

>Concentric is very good convincing the low-medium technical people that
>it's something special.

You mean "Canonical"? Honestly, I like Shuttleworth. He seems like a
particularly well-spoken guy, and obviously understands how to sell something.
But frankly, I don't think he has any idea of the extent of hype, and
ultimately bad-will, is being generated by that community (for example, the
people who run, and post to, the Canonical forums, and who have caused the word
"fanboi" to be so closely associated with Ubuntu), and how these people have so
hyped the distro to the point that they have effectively usurped the work of
others (such as Debian) as their own. When people start to think that Ubuntu is
Linux, then that effectively usurps the work of many people, and frankly, the
Ubuntu devs have done relatively little (I do mean very little) compared to the
folks who made/maintain the kernel, Gnome, and the entire distro of Debian
(upon whose shoulders Ubuntu stands). The Ubuntu community has done even less
than its devs. Overall, I think they've been counterproductive.

I'm content to let people know about this, and frankly, don't care if anyone
associated with Ubuntu takes it to heart and actually fixes what I see as the
bad state of Ubuntu beneath the hype.
Jeff Glatt <> writes:

>>Erik Funkenbusch
>>Shame them into going away

> I'm not interested in shaming them. I'm content with people simply not
> overhyping them, nor supporting them. If more people knew that Ubuntu, and
> especially its "community infrastructure", is vastly overrated (which is the
> exact opposite of what message they're getting currently from the vast majority
> of Linux related outlets), and that it's no better than a number of other
> distros (and in some cases, worse -- I personally chose Debian over Ubuntu),
> then that's enough of a message to get out. I want to tell people it's so, and
> why I believe it's so. Let them hear that message and see if they don't find it
> to be true themselves.

What they find and what they tout are two different things. You will
never convince the majority in COLA there is even a problem with
sound. Really. I guarantee it "all works for them". It is why some of us
"play" in COLA. Your wise words are falling on deaf ears with the
"advocates". Their reaction would be "if you are too stupid to get it to
work then go to Windoze".

>>Shame them into actually doing something innovative and worth creating a
>>while new distro for.

> It doesn't work that way. For example, if you post something on Canonical's
> forums, that something about Ubuntu is not the greatest thing since sliced
> bread -- no matter how reasoned nor detailed you explain your conclusions, the
> fanbois who totally dominate those forums will see to it that equally fanatical
> moderators ban you. Ubuntu doesn't get better as a result of criticism. It
> simply censors the criticism and ups the hype.

trust me - their forums are a haven of common sense compared to COLA
and, more recently with the arrival of COLA types, the Ubuntu usenet

> It's important that people realize that things are definitely no better in
> Ubuntu-land than with any other distro, and if someone tells you otherwise,
> it's probably hype. I'm happy to explain exactly why I think that's
> so, and I

I disagree. I find the Ubuntu groups much more helpful than Debian. Why?
Becuase there are more noobs tripping and there is much more likely to
be a similar case to your own and hence a solution.

> fully trust my ability to get my points across convincingly despite the fanatic
> reactions of fanbois, nor the threat of censorship or personal attacks.
> Now, I'm not saying Ubuntu is crap, and that the community is totally useless.
> I'm just saying that Ubuntu offers nothing that many other distros offer, and
> its community is absolutely no better than other communities (and in fact, I
> personally think it's worse due to the proliferation of fanbois. If you go to
> distrowatch, search the comments to the weekly newsletters for the word
> "fanboi", the names of two particular distros will pop up overwhelmingly. One
> of those distros is Ubuntu, and there's a good reason for that. It didn't just
> happen for no reason).

I have to disagree. Ubuntu is a torch bearer. Although I must admit to
moving to Debian since i didn't like some of the Ubuntu hacks going into

>>The thing is, Ubuntu is a marketing movement, not a technology one.

> Definitely. Ubuntu is all talk. The overwhelming work of making it happen was
> done by Debian. It's just that a lot of fanboi elements started hyping Ubuntu
> until people now falsely believe that it, and its community, are better than
> the majority of other distros, and that Ubuntu itself is "Linux". In fact,
> Ubuntu itself is a "me too" distro based upon Debian, with a "fan base" that
> has usurped the work of the original, and hyped it as their own.

No need to labour the point Jeff :-
On Tue, 08 Apr 2008 19:09:24 +1000, Gregory Shearman wrote:

> Jeff Glatt wrote:
>> Some of us are willing to take a more critical view of the situation, and
>> openly air that criticism. I'm outright calling Ubuntu overhyped, and that
>> it really offers little more than you can get from the majority of other
>> distros out there. I'm saying this because I think it's unfair,
>> unwarranted, and disingenous for people to hype Ubuntu so much, when many,
>> many other distros are at least as good. And that goes doubly for the
>> Ubuntu community. I think that a number of other distros have better
>> communities.

> I agree.
> I believe it's a fashion thing. Ubuntu is simply the flavour of the moment.
> For a supportive community and a plethora of documentation, you can't go
> past the Gentoo community. There are cookbooks for nearly anything you can
> imagine. Help is plentiful and friendly.

It's money.
It's connections.
It's organization, at least compared to most Linux's.

THAT is why Ubuntu is catching on.

You guys just don't get the fact that money and influence run the show,
whether or not you like it.

Shuttleworth's name lends credibility to Linux and he happened to pick
Do you think all those mainstream press reviews (both good and bad) just
*happened* to Ubuntu?
Of course not.
Shuttleworth's connections have helped Linux tremendously.

Had he picked PCLinuxOS (and he should have), that would be the
distribution people were fawning over.

And BTW I think this is a good thing for Linux.
My kids tell me that their friends use Ubuntu, teachers have at least heard
of Ubuntu and so forth.

Something is certainly afloat with this distribution, and for Linux it's a
good thing.
Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:
>Moshe Goldfarb
>It's money.
>It's connections.
>It's organization, at least compared to most Linux's.
>THAT is why Ubuntu is catching on.
>You guys just don't get the fact that money and influence run the show,
>whether or not you like it.

You seem to be suggesting that folks are hyping Ubuntu because of "money and
connections". (I can't buy into the organization angle though. Frankly, I think
that Ubuntu's infrastructure is awful. Their forums are filled with
misinformation and inaccuracies. The moderators are pretty much clueless,
incompetent fanbois who don't even follow their own "guidelines". There's a
real disconnect between the devs and the endusers. Ubuntu is a mess when it
comes to infrastructure).

But it's not the non-Linux media that is hyping Ubuntu. It's the linux-oriented
folks. Are you saying that they're being bought off by Canonical? (Possible.
The company is trying to make money, and not doing nearly as well at that as
Red Hat and Novell, and probably even Mandriva. Maybe they're trying some
strong-arm tactics to rectify the situation). What you're implying is something
quite damning of these folks' commitment to openness. You're suggesting
something quite nefarious and underhanded. After all, I've not seen any of
these people openly acknowledge that they're getting paid, or coerced, each
time they specifically mention Ubuntu.

>Shuttleworth's name lends credibility to Linux and he happened to pick

Actually, he picked Debian. Then, he got a few devs to make another "me too"
deriviative of Debian, and called it Ubuntu. Then, he got a snowballing group
of overzealous fanbois to overhype it as if Ubuntu is Linux (and imply that the
Ubuntu folks are responsible for everything that goes into that distro), and
conveniently fail to give credit and support to the Debian folks.

>Do you think all those mainstream press reviews (both good and bad) just
>*happened* to Ubuntu?

No, it was overhyped by fanbois, as anyone who has been following Linux for
awhile will attest. If you don't believe me, go to a place that isn't
controlled by Ubuntu moderators, and where users of other distros hang out,
such as Distrowatch, and ask the question:

"What two distros are most commonly associated with overzealous fanbois?"

I'm confident what the answer will be. There is a reason for _that_ too.

And now, what is needed is for people to counter the hype, and let folks know
that there is absolutely nothing special about Ubuntu, it's just a deriviative
of Debian, and many other distros are just as good (if not better in some ways
-- for example, I think many other distros have better communities).

>Had he picked PCLinuxOS (and he should have), that would be the
>distribution people were fawning over.

In some places, people _are_ fawning over PCLinuxOS. Refer to the answer you'll
get to that question above. The PCLinuxOS community is modeling itself after
the Ubuntu community, and doing their PR the same way. The only real difference
this time is that, after going through the same thing with the Ubuntu
community, the wider audience is now prepared for overhyped distros. The net
result is that overhyping a Linux distro is no longer as effective. We've seen
it before. Now the counter reaction is swift and fairly effective in dealing
with overhyped distros. That's why you haven't seen the word "PCLinuxOS"
replacing the word "Ubuntu" in every article written about Linux, despite the
succes in pushing it to #1 (over Ubuntu) on distrowatch's page hit counter.
(ie, Although some mechanism to crudely measure "popularity" can be affected by
overzealous fanbois, their hype is no longer as effective in generating
mindshare as it was when Ubuntu fanbois did it).

>And BTW I think this is a good thing for Linux.
>My kids tell me that their friends use Ubuntu, teachers have at least heard
>of Ubuntu and so forth.

Ubuntu is fine for a newbie to get his introduction to Linux. But then, most
all of the major distros, including Debian upon whose shoulders Ubuntu stands,
are just as fine for a newbie to get his introduction to Linux. What I would
tell anyone wanting to try Linux is as follows:

Ubuntu has relatively nothing to offer over most other distros, and in some
ways, has less to offer. If you're just being introduced to Linux, it's
perfectly fine to use Ubuntu as your first Linux install/introduction. But if
there's anything about it that doesn't appeal to you, don't be the least bit
hesitant to jump ship. Do that with complete confidence because the odds are
good that another distro will suit you better. And when I say "anything about
Ubuntu that doesn't appeal to you", I mean anything, including its
infrastructure. For example, don't find the community very helpful and honest,
and more consumed with hyping the distro than in addressing problems? Jump
ship. But a better approach, is to ask (in a neutral venue) for a
recommendation for which distro to try, and don't go with the one that is
recommended by the most fanbois, but rather, the one that is recommended most
eloquently and honestly. In my experience, one will be better off.

>Something is certainly afloat with this distribution, and for Linux it's a
>good thing.

I can't agree. I think that there are better distros, and I'd prefer to see
them recommended over Ubuntu. But again, most of them are relatively equal as
an introduction to Linux, so any one will suit most people for that purpose.
Jeff Glatt <> writes:

>>Moshe Goldfarb
>>It's money.
>>It's connections.
>>It's organization, at least compared to most Linux's.
>>THAT is why Ubuntu is catching on.
>>You guys just don't get the fact that money and influence run the show,
>>whether or not you like it.

> You seem to be suggesting that folks are hyping Ubuntu because of "money and
> connections". (I can't buy into the organization angle though. Frankly, I think
> that Ubuntu's infrastructure is awful. Their forums are filled with
> misinformation and inaccuracies. The moderators are pretty much clueless,
> incompetent fanbois who don't even follow their own "guidelines". There's a
> real disconnect between the devs and the endusers. Ubuntu is a mess when it
> comes to infrastructure).
> But it's not the non-Linux media that is hyping Ubuntu. It's the linux-oriented
> folks. Are you saying that they're being bought off by Canonical? (Possible.
> The company is trying to make money, and not doing nearly as well at that as
> Red Hat and Novell, and probably even Mandriva. Maybe they're trying some
> strong-arm tactics to rectify the situation). What you're implying is something
> quite damning of these folks' commitment to openness. You're suggesting
> something quite nefarious and underhanded. After all, I've not seen any of
> these people openly acknowledge that they're getting paid, or coerced, each
> time they specifically mention Ubuntu.

I think you're being overly harsh. Yes, Ubuntu would be nothing without
Debian. But it made Linux (or even Debian) more acceptable to the great
unwashed. Ubuntu would install on a wider range of HW than Debian in no
time at all - this has since benefited Debian too.

Ubuntu made things more Human. The problem was that People (Debian Fan
Geeks) had worked hard to get Debian working and where it is. And they
were damned if they were going to RTFM for Aunty Roy and his ilk - e.g
clueless idiots who just wanted to save money rather than buy into the
"learn by doing" ethos of many Linux distros.

>>Shuttleworth's name lends credibility to Linux and he happened to pick

> Actually, he picked Debian. Then, he got a few devs to make another "me too"
> deriviative of Debian, and called it Ubuntu. Then, he got a snowballing group
> of overzealous fanbois to overhype it as if Ubuntu is Linux (and imply that the
> Ubuntu folks are responsible for everything that goes into that distro), and
> conveniently fail to give credit and support to the Debian folks.

He also got a distro together which installed and made the press. But I
take your point.

>>Do you think all those mainstream press reviews (both good and bad) just
>>*happened* to Ubuntu?

> No, it was overhyped by fanbois, as anyone who has been following Linux for
> awhile will attest. If you don't believe me, go to a place that isn't
> controlled by Ubuntu moderators, and where users of other distros hang out,
> such as Distrowatch, and ask the question:
> "What two distros are most commonly associated with overzealous fanbois?"
> I'm confident what the answer will be. There is a reason for _that_
> too.

Yes - it has appealed to new boys. And new boys get excited. Its like
COLA - a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. It has also seen
a lot of goo developers piling to develop things to make things easier.

> And now, what is needed is for people to counter the hype, and let folks know
> that there is absolutely nothing special about Ubuntu, it's just a deriviative
> of Debian, and many other distros are just as good (if not better in some ways
> -- for example, I think many other distros have better communities).

There are things special about Linux. A long term plan and a
commitment. That might exist for Debian too but thats no good if people
dont know about it. I guess I am giving some defense to "stupid people

>>Had he picked PCLinuxOS (and he should have), that would be the
>>distribution people were fawning over.

> In some places, people _are_ fawning over PCLinuxOS. Refer to the answer you'll
> get to that question above. The PCLinuxOS community is modeling itself after
> the Ubuntu community, and doing their PR the same way. The only real
> difference

You come across as competent but a tad elitist not necessarily a bad thing.

> this time is that, after going through the same thing with the Ubuntu
> community, the wider audience is now prepared for overhyped distros. The net
> result is that overhyping a Linux distro is no longer as effective. We've seen
> it before. Now the counter reaction is swift and fairly effective in dealing
> with overhyped distros. That's why you haven't seen the word "PCLinuxOS"
> replacing the word "Ubuntu" in every article written about Linux, despite the
> succes in pushing it to #1 (over Ubuntu) on distrowatch's page hit counter.
> (ie, Although some mechanism to crudely measure "popularity" can be affected by
> overzealous fanbois, their hype is no longer as effective in generating
> mindshare as it was when Ubuntu fanbois did it).

YOu want hype? Read Mark Kent, Homer, Linonut or Roy Schestowitz in COLA.

>>And BTW I think this is a good thing for Linux.
>>My kids tell me that their friends use Ubuntu, teachers have at least heard
>>of Ubuntu and so forth.

> Ubuntu is fine for a newbie to get his introduction to Linux. But then, most
> all of the major distros, including Debian upon whose shoulders Ubuntu stands,
> are just as fine for a newbie to get his introduction to Linux. What I would
> tell anyone wanting to try Linux is as follows:

I disagree. The community in Debian are far less willing to hold
hands. Some people need hand holding.

> Ubuntu has relatively nothing to offer over most other distros, and in some
> ways, has less to offer. If you're just being introduced to Linux, it's
> perfectly fine to use Ubuntu as your first Linux install/introduction. But if
> there's anything about it that doesn't appeal to you, don't be the least bit
> hesitant to jump ship. Do that with complete confidence because the odds are
> good that another distro will suit you better. And when I say "anything about
> Ubuntu that doesn't appeal to you", I mean anything, including its
> infrastructure. For example, don't find the community very helpful and honest,
> and more consumed with hyping the distro than in addressing problems? Jump
> ship. But a better approach, is to ask (in a neutral venue) for a
> recommendation for which distro to try, and don't go with the one that is
> recommended by the most fanbois, but rather, the one that is recommended most
> eloquently and honestly. In my experience, one will be better off.

I tried Ubuntu because the Debian crowd told me my new HW was much more
likely to work with their installer! I since moved back because of the
fanboi element and the fact that unstable suddenly support my SATA

>>Something is certainly afloat with this distribution, and for Linux it's a
>>good thing.

> I can't agree. I think that there are better distros, and I'd prefer to see
> them recommended over Ubuntu. But again, most of them are relatively equal as
> an introduction to Linux, so any one will suit most people for that
> purpose.

I think Ubuntu nicked your girlfriend :-
On Tue, 08 Apr 2008 12:26:03 -0400, Jeff Glatt wrote:

> You seem to be suggesting that folks are hyping Ubuntu because of "money and
> connections". (I can't buy into the organization angle though. Frankly, I think
> that Ubuntu's infrastructure is awful. Their forums are filled with
> misinformation and inaccuracies. The moderators are pretty much clueless,
> incompetent fanbois who don't even follow their own "guidelines". There's a
> real disconnect between the devs and the endusers. Ubuntu is a mess when it
> comes to infrastructure).

No, you've got it wrong.
What I am saying is that Shuttleworth's money, connections, influence has
HELPED Ubuntu get on the radar map.
Not that he is doing it for the money.

> But it's not the non-Linux media that is hyping Ubuntu. It's the linux-oriented
> folks. Are you saying that they're being bought off by Canonical?

No, that's why I said good and bad.
I am saying that Shuttleworth's connections have helped Ubuntu get
reviewed, press etc.

> (Possible.
> The company is trying to make money, and not doing nearly as well at that as
> Red Hat and Novell, and probably even Mandriva. Maybe they're trying some
> strong-arm tactics to rectify the situation). What you're implying is something
> quite damning of these folks' commitment to openness. You're suggesting
> something quite nefarious and underhanded. After all, I've not seen any of
> these people openly acknowledge that they're getting paid, or coerced, each
> time they specifically mention Ubuntu.

You have it completely wrong.

>>Shuttleworth's name lends credibility to Linux and he happened to pick

> Actually, he picked Debian. Then, he got a few devs to make another "me too"
> deriviative of Debian, and called it Ubuntu. Then, he got a snowballing group
> of overzealous fanbois to overhype it as if Ubuntu is Linux (and imply that the
> Ubuntu folks are responsible for everything that goes into that distro), and
> conveniently fail to give credit and support to the Debian folks.

The older Linux stalwarts will be more satisfied with Debian.
The newer converts will gravitate to Ubuntu because Debian is too

>>Do you think all those mainstream press reviews (both good and bad) just
>>*happened* to Ubuntu?

> No, it was overhyped by fanbois, as anyone who has been following Linux for
> awhile will attest. If you don't believe me, go to a place that isn't
> controlled by Ubuntu moderators, and where users of other distros hang out,
> such as Distrowatch, and ask the question:

Partially, but Shuttleworth has gotten Ubuntu on the mainstream map.

> "What two distros are most commonly associated with overzealous fanbois?"
> I'm confident what the answer will be. There is a reason for _that_ too.
> And now, what is needed is for people to counter the hype, and let folks know
> that there is absolutely nothing special about Ubuntu, it's just a deriviative
> of Debian, and many other distros are just as good (if not better in some ways
> -- for example, I think many other distros have better communities).

There is nothing special about any of the 600+ different Linux
They all come down to a base Linux system.

>>Had he picked PCLinuxOS (and he should have), that would be the
>>distribution people were fawning over.

> In some places, people _are_ fawning over PCLinuxOS. Refer to the answer you'll
> get to that question above. The PCLinuxOS community is modeling itself after
> the Ubuntu community, and doing their PR the same way. The only real difference
> this time is that, after going through the same thing with the Ubuntu
> community, the wider audience is now prepared for overhyped distros. The net
> result is that overhyping a Linux distro is no longer as effective. We've seen
> it before. Now the counter reaction is swift and fairly effective in dealing
> with overhyped distros. That's why you haven't seen the word "PCLinuxOS"
> replacing the word "Ubuntu" in every article written about Linux, despite the
> succes in pushing it to #1 (over Ubuntu) on distrowatch's page hit counter.
> (ie, Although some mechanism to crudely measure "popularity" can be affected by
> overzealous fanbois, their hype is no longer as effective in generating
> mindshare as it was when Ubuntu fanbois did it).

But PCLinuxOS, while better than Ubuntu IMHO, hasn't made the progress
Ubuntu has.
I attribute that at least in part to Shuttleworth.

>>And BTW I think this is a good thing for Linux.
>>My kids tell me that their friends use Ubuntu, teachers have at least heard
>>of Ubuntu and so forth.

> Ubuntu is fine for a newbie to get his introduction to Linux. But then, most
> all of the major distros, including Debian upon whose shoulders Ubuntu stands,
> are just as fine for a newbie to get his introduction to Linux. What I would
> tell anyone wanting to try Linux is as follows:
> Ubuntu has relatively nothing to offer over most other distros, and in some
> ways, has less to offer. If you're just being introduced to Linux, it's
> perfectly fine to use Ubuntu as your first Linux install/introduction. But if
> there's anything about it that doesn't appeal to you, don't be the least bit
> hesitant to jump ship. Do that with complete confidence because the odds are
> good that another distro will suit you better. And when I say "anything about
> Ubuntu that doesn't appeal to you", I mean anything, including its
> infrastructure. For example, don't find the community very helpful and honest,
> and more consumed with hyping the distro than in addressing problems? Jump
> ship. But a better approach, is to ask (in a neutral venue) for a
> recommendation for which distro to try, and don't go with the one that is
> recommended by the most fanbois, but rather, the one that is recommended most
> eloquently and honestly. In my experience, one will be better off.
>>Something is certainly afloat with this distribution, and for Linux it's a
>>good thing.

> I can't agree. I think that there are better distros, and I'd prefer to see
> them recommended over Ubuntu. But again, most of them are relatively equal as
> an introduction to Linux, so any one will suit most people for that purpose.

Of course there are better distributions, PCLinuxOS for one but by a good
thing I mean the community has to start somewhere.
Linux has to get on the map, and Ubuntu has helped tremendously whiel the
others are languishing for years.
I attribute this to Shuttleworth and had he picked Mepis then that would be
the popular one.

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:
On Tue, 08 Apr 2008 11:16:55 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:

> Shuttleworth's name lends credibility to Linux and he happened to pick
> Ubuntu.

I found ubuntu because it was the first distro that I heard RMS
recommend. I had no idea who this shuttleworth fellow was. I had heard
of the selling of thawte to verisign, and I heard of a man buying a space
flight, but I didn't know his name, or his connections to this OS. But
then again, I live life like a hermet, and don't watch much tv. After
installing, I read up a bit, and he seams like an ok fellow. Unless he
is a plant from the NSA!

On Tue, 08 Apr 2008 12:26:03 -0400, Jeff Glatt wrote:

> Actually, he picked Debian. Then, he got a few devs to make another "me
> too" deriviative of Debian, and called it Ubuntu. Then, he got a
> snowballing group of overzealous fanbois to overhype it as if Ubuntu is
> Linux (and imply that the Ubuntu folks are responsible for everything
> that goes into that distro), and conveniently fail to give credit and
> support to the Debian folks.

Shuttleworth has given Debian ample credit, and huge amounts of code
filter back down to Debian from his 60 paid programmers and the rest of
the Ubuntu developer community.

> Ubuntu is fine for a newbie to get his introduction to Linux. But
> then, most all of the major distros, including Debian upon whose
> shoulders Ubuntu stands, are just as fine for a newbie to get his
> introduction to Linux. What I would tell anyone wanting to try Linux
> is as follows:

Debian is a technical distribution designed for technical uses and
technical users. Ubuntu, PCLinuxOS, Mepis, etc., are specifically
designed to be easy for new and non-technical users to install and
administer. I would *never* hand a new non-technical user a Debian CD
and expect him to be able to install and configure it himself.
While Ubuntu is easier for "average people" to use (until they hit
snags, that is), there is nothing in Ubuntu that makes it less
powerful or less available for advanced use, than any other debian
based distro.

I wasted half a year due to this misinformation about how Ubuntu is
"for fools only". I would like to stop it.

>Moshe Goldfarb
>> You seem to be suggesting that folks are hyping Ubuntu because of "money and
>> connections". (I can't buy into the organization angle though. Frankly, I think
>> that Ubuntu's infrastructure is awful. Their forums are filled with
>> misinformation and inaccuracies. The moderators are pretty much clueless,
>> incompetent fanbois who don't even follow their own "guidelines". There's a
>> real disconnect between the devs and the endusers. Ubuntu is a mess when it
>> comes to infrastructure).

>No, you've got it wrong.
>What I am saying is that Shuttleworth's money, connections, influence has
>HELPED Ubuntu get on the radar map.

How so? Shuttleworth is hardly a famous person, nor even a CEO of a notable
company. He isn't even known outside of the circle of Linux afficionados. He's
hardly Bill Gates.

>Not that he is doing it for the money.

I never implied that you implied that. But you've suggested a direct
correlation between his money/connections and the press that Ubuntu gets, so
the natural conclusion is money is being paid for good press. After all, Red
Hat and Novell make way more money than Canonical, and yet they don't get the
hype that Ubuntu gets.

I still say it has nothing whatsoever to do with Shuttleworth's "money and
connections", and everything to do with the fact that his distro was the first
to urge fanbois to rabidly overhype the distro everywhere (and they happened to
do that at the very moment that Linux finally had enough support in place to be
considered as an alternate to Windows. May I add that this support was done
entirely outside of the Ubuntu community. It was the kernel devs, gnome devs,
debian devs, etc, that did that work). That trick worked once. It's not working
quite as well the second time with PCLinuxOS because people have gotten wise to
the hype that a "me too" distro (like Ubuntu) is better than other distros. It

In conclusion, Ubuntu's success (relative to other distros) is _entirely hype_,
which just happened to have the luck of happening at the most opportune moment
in Linux's history. There are many other distros just as good (or better), but
they don't get the press simply because they weren't overhyped by fanbois at
that very moment in history. But that was then, and this is now, and the
message needs to get out that Ubuntu is, and has always been, mostly hype. That
doesn't mean it's a bad distro. It just means that it doesn't offer anything
most other distros don't also offer, and in fact, in some ways offers less.

>I am saying that Shuttleworth's connections have helped Ubuntu get
>reviewed, press etc.

I just don't see it. I see much stronger evidence to support the theory that it
was simply the first distro to receive the benefit of unwarranted fanboi
hysteria-hype to outlets beyond the linux inner circles, at a particularly
opportune moment.

It was PR. That doesn't speak anything toward the merits of the distro compared
to other distros.

>The older Linux stalwarts will be more satisfied with Debian.
>The newer converts will gravitate to Ubuntu because Debian is too

How so? I found Debian every bit as easy to install and use as Ubuntu.
Actually, I found Debian _easier_ to use because I needed to make some special
customizations to my system, and I found accurate/helpful docs for Debian to do
just that, whereas I found inaccurate info from the Ubuntu community (plus a
_lot_ of irrelevant noise from fanbois to wade through), and never could get
Ubuntu to do what I wanted. (It probably can, with proper docs, but why bother
when Debian does it easier and quicker?)

>There is nothing special about any of the 600+ different Linux distributions.
>They all come down to a base Linux system.

Indeed. So it's time for everyone to drop the hype about Ubuntu.

>But PCLinuxOS, while better than Ubuntu IMHO, hasn't made the progress
>Ubuntu has.

That's only because of 2 reasons:

1) Most importantly, too many people know now that there are Linux distros
where overzealous fanbois overhype their pet distro. Overhyping a distro isn't
as effective nowadays. People have seen it before (from Ubuntu) and are jaded
to it (for good reason. The overwhelming majority of distros are not much

2) It's now at least a year after Linux base (and GUI) support has been good
enough that it can be seen as an alternative to Windows. The most opportune
moment to overhype a distro is already past. Anyone trying to do it now is
wasting their breath... unless they truly have something that no other distro

>I attribute that at least in part to Shuttleworth.

That's your prerogative to do so, but I just don't see convincing evidence to
support that conclusion, and therefore disagree.

>the community has to start somewhere.

As I said, there's nothing wrong with starting at Ubuntu, just as long as you
know that it's not any better than many other distros out there, and if there's
anything you don't like about the distro and/or its community, you should not
be the least bit hesitant to jump ship. In fact, you probably should keep your
eye out for anything that looks like it may be better for you, because odds are
good that there may be such a thing out there somewhere.

That is the message that needs to get out there, but there is unfortunately
still too many holdouts to the Ubuntu hype.

Incidentally, I hope you don't get the impression that I'm "attacking" you. I'm
not calling you "stupid" or a "troll" or whatever it is that too many people in
this newsgroup seem to regard as standard protocol. But I don't agree with your
assessment of Shuttleworth's influence, or how Ubuntu got to where it is today,
and am not swayed from my own assessments. (On the other hand, I do agree with
some points, such as the statement about distros being similiar due to using
the base Linux system pretty much as is).