Not getting Full SID of user with RID

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yo_Coder_India
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I’m writing an application on Windows XP which gives the SID of user.
With the valid Token Handle, when I call GetTokenInfomation API with TokenUser as a second parameter then every time & for all user account I get Valid SID in PTOKEN_USER structure variable.
Valid Sid => Sid is S-1-5-21-1121170692-2157880286-4158546613-1000
Here RID is => 1000
But when I use NetQueryDisplayInformation API with NET_DISPLAY_USER as a information level (second parameter) then I get NET_DISPLAY_USER structure as a out Parameter.
User123 is my one account which has the administrative rights.
With the help of NET_DISPLAY_USER structure when I call to LookupAccountName API with variable of NET_DISPLAY_USER.usri1_name as a name of the user account then for a User123 account I get SID without RID.
Like this => Sid is S-1-5-21-1121170692-2157880286-4158546613
For other account with same procedure gives me the correct SID i.e. SID with RID
Valid Sid => Sid is S-1-5-21-1121170692-2157880286-4158546613-1000
Please provide me any pointers for returning SID without RID in second case.

Thanks in Advance

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