Nokia Lumia 521 T-Mobile Windows Smart Phone $59.99

Hey I have that phone with T-Mobile and I like it a lot it's small and light, and it's different from all my friends android phones which is cool. If you are on a budget like I am I really recommend it!
My phones were delivered this afternoon by UPS. Funny, I didn't expect them until next week as I selected the free delivery option (Egg Saver) which usually means delivery by snail mail. I lucked out since I only ordered them on Saturday.
Get with it, its white because the iphone is white! BTW my white tower has been dusted once in 2 years. My black towers, every 2 weeks.
Ha, ha I have a white iPhone, a white pc and even a white camera (Nikon J1 SLR with all kinds of white lenses)....I'd get white TV's if I could find them!
Funny, bad things tend to happen in groups lol. My Galaxy 3 was run over after I accidentally left it on the top of my car in the best buy parking lot after loading two 27" LCD's. So, I'm using my old T-Mobile MyTouch 4G temporarily. It happens to be a great little phone though for short usage. Depending on how my job shakes out over the next few months I will be upgrading to the Galaxy 5 soon ... although, I noticed I use a phone more as a 'phone" instead of a "net device" which makes me question just how much of a smartphone I really need. Also I don't like them too big that I can't slide it directly in my pant pockets.

I have seen this phone out there (Lumina 521) I might get one just to play with so see how much I really need, and if I even need/want android.
I am with you Catch, I use a phone more as a phone than anything. Yes I do credit card swipes with it and I use the calculator and calendar for dates but
I am concerned over the release of the iPhone 6 which will be a bit bigger than my 4S and I really don't want that. The 5S is a 1/2 " longer and I can live with that so I am hoping they promote the remaining 5s phones when the 6 comes out or I may go to an Android. Those big Samsungs turn me off because of the size also.