No shut Down


Aug 24, 2005
Hi everybody, this is my 1st post and I have a problem I cannot figure out. A while back I broke a pin off my processor and I had to send it to get fix. While the processsor was getting fixed I had to use my old motherboard and processor. So I just got back the processor a few days ago and it is good as new. Last night I went to shut down windows and then went to bed. This morning I wake up and my comp is still on. The monitor light is now orange (It is green when active) I tired to hold down my power switch for a while and my computer does not turn off. I have to flip the switch on the power supply for it to go off. I have never Had this problem before I could hold the power button in for about 10 secs and my comp would power off. When I started my computer again I pushed the power button for about a minute and my monitor goes from green to orange but my computer lights and fans are still on. If anyone knows how to help I would appreciate it so much thank you.
oh yeah! you guys prolly want to know my os: MS WIN XP SP2
Please reply ASAP!
If you move the mouse/hit some keys, does the monitor come back on? It sounds like you just had a program that didn't close on time, so Windows is waiting for you to close it manually.
when my comp trys to shut down it closes everything and logs off and the monitor turns off as if the comp completey shuts down. If i hit the reset button(above the power button) the computer then restarts right away. I dont know whats going on. I am almost ready to give up, I already reformated and have no clue where to go next.
It sounds as though the power-off signal just isn't getting interpreted properly by the hardware. Try looking in the Device Manager (Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager) in the System Devices group to see if there are any problems with hardware that might be related to automatic power-off (problems will be denoted by a yellow exclamation point). You might try installing new 4-in-1 drivers (motherboard drivers).
In device manager nothing has a yellow question mark and I have installed new mother board drivers.
I just noticed somthing. I dont know if this helps but I find it very werid. To turn off my computer I need to flip the switch in the back of my power supply. When the comp is off and I flip the switch in the back of my power supply to "on" my computer comes on!! I dont even need to press the power button in the front of my case. What does this mean, now I am assuming hardware, but what are your guys opinion????????
It may be that there is a problem with the power button or the way it is connected. Since you recently did a motherboard changeout, I'd check to make sure that the front panel connectors are connected to the right places on the motherboard.