New Windows 7 Edition, on the Server Side


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Well, just in case you didn't have enough Windows 7 editions to go around, Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer announced a fresh addition to the lineup, but this time on the server side. Speaking at the “Strategic Update” presentation for Wall Street analysts on February 24, 2009, Ballmer indicated that Microsoft was cooking the addition of Foundation Edition to the Windows 7 Server SKU lineup. In this regard, Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation Edition is the latest item to be added to the extensive list of Windows 7 editions.

“We are introducing a new low cost, low price, low functionality Windows server SKU. If you take a look at it, as server prices, hardware prices have come down, we don’t exactly have a netbook phenomenon, but if somebody can buy a $500 server, they’re a little loathe to spend $500 for the server operating system that goes with it. So we have something that’s akin to netbook at the server level, and we’ll be introducing our Foundation Edition over the next month or two,” Ballmer said according to Mary Jo Foley.

Source: Softpedia