New Software From Resplendence!

It's funny I am not paranoid at all about the things most people are such as credit cards on the internet, firewall protection and so on but when I catch wind of the word optimize or speedup, I run the other way. My other favorite word is "tweak" I have "tweaked" more pcs into "oblivion" then I care to think about so from here on I am done with that for a lifetime and the other thing, I don't ever remember changing a whole pile of stuff recommended by some "guru" or "guru wannabe" where I either noticed no difference at all or I hosed my pc completely. Now recent discussion on software recommended list reminded me of the one program I have always trusted which offers not only monitoring but also solutions and that is SiSoft Sandra and after I added it to the list I also downloaded the most recent version. So if I disappear into that "black hole" of malaise again, you will know why but that one has never hosed me. Oh and before I forget this is my opinion I am sharing, not an attack on anyone or thing here so whoever is about to be supersensitive stop it right now!
  • :rotf:
Hey Dougie it seems lately almost every post I make someone is interpreting as an attack on their very being so I thought I would anticipate one for a change. You know my style I am opinionated and say what I think as a tech though, seldom is it personal but as we all get used to each other's style, this will stop happening am sure.