New Build issue.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2009
Sydney Australia
Just built a new rig and all works excellent but for one issue.
I am on cable and all the other computers download speed is around 113MB/S however this new rig the download speed was 42MB/S and with all the tweaks I can think of all I can get is 63 MB/S now. I have swapped ports on the router, bought the best Ethernet cable, set to full Duplex etc.
All my other computers are AMD.
This one is a Z97 extreme 4 Mobo with an
Intel Core i7 4790 @ 3.60GHz
Haswell 22nm Technology
My question would a seperate Network card help?
Last Intel processor I will buy.
Thanks for any input.
You may be onto something here and thanks for your advice.
I run the driver disc and Device manager is fine.
XFast lan was showing in Revo as installed. I just re downloaded XFAST Lan and got this Popup.

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That would be very frustrating to have that Intel NIC on a new board not running full speed glad you got it sorted out!
Can you explain that better Dougie. What did Lockhunter allow you to open up as I have used this preventing Mlaware processes but for the life of me I cannot imagine what this do for you in speeding up the internet?
Can you explain that better Dougie. What did Lockhunter allow you to open up as I have used this preventing Mlaware processes but for the life of me I cannot imagine what this do for you in speeding up the internet?

Lockhunter got rid of that continual PopUp and allowed the XFAST File to install.

I am at a loss also, Rich. This was a normal clean install on a new 240GIG SSD. I updated the Bios and all was working fine till I tested the download speed at around 41MB/S. I run the driver disc and all seemed ok except XFAST Lan.Even with all the tweaks still low 60's MB/S.
I went to Intell and downloaded the XFAST File and could do nothing with it. Every time I tried to install I got the popup above over and over. I tried to use "Unlocker" and it didn't work on 64bit.So went searching and found "Lockhunter" Dropped the file in "Lockhunter" and rebooted. XFAST then installed no problem. I checked my download speed and it was restored.
What caused it I don't know, except after so much time trying to sort this download issue I was very frustrated putting it mildly.
I rang the computer shop where I bought all these new parts and the head Techie which I know very well asked me what I had done to try and fix this odd problem. I run through what tweaks I had tried on the phone and he said,"You have done everything I would have tried and I haven't an answer" What actually caused the problem I still don't know, all I know it's fixed.
I am keeping "Lockhunter" because it worked when "Unlocker" wouldn't.
I am also using "Wise Program Uninstaller" which I have as well on other computers. Much faster than "Revo" and has a "Force Uninsall" option.
I would really like to know what caused this issue in the first place, as I have never came across it before.

I was so frustrated I was near to the stage of going out and buying an asus board and amd processor and starting again.Glad I hung in there as all is working great now.
Why was my Download speed even affected with or without XFAST Lan with this install? That is the mystery.:(
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At least it's working and that's a good thing.

Yes, that's the main thing.
I just built another one today with an Asrock board, as a back up computer for my wife's aging XP computer. (Cheapie Hardware)
Just checked download speed on it. 113.83MB/S.
Completely confused as to went wrong with this computer, as to what throttled the download speed.:huh:
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I had a very similar situation Dougie a while back but it was motherboard software that actually caused it and the funny thing is that I never chose that software either as I never run everything "suggested". The post is here somewhere and it had to do with motherboard software that was supposed to increase speed and did exactly the opposite. Catch is right though where sometimes we just need to take the solution and stop worrying about "the fix" when it is working well.

I am going to try that Wise Uninstaller, thanks for mention, as I have noticed lately for some reason or other Revo does not show every program installed on a system and I am certain it used to. Things like MacAfee Security Scan and even AVG Antivirus did not show in Revo recently so I suspect there is probably more I might have been missing.
Ah I didn't know that thanks Cindy. Is it worth buying the Pro version? I love the program but with paid version is it portable (or is there a portable version of Pro) because if no it would be too difficult to use as I do.
It finds all the registry entries for you, Rich.
Just click on the program and say choose "Safe uninstall" You do nothing more but wait. Then it comes back with a list of registry entries and you click "Remove" done. Much faster and simpler than Revo.
Thanks for the suggestion Dougie. I didn't know anything about that program either. I'll give it a go!
I found with 64bit Revo is not very informative.Revo seems to have dropped it's bundle with 64Bit.

This is the first place I check after any downloads, even custom installs to see if anything has crept into my OS. Even shows latest Microsoft update entries.
While it works for me I will keep it. Done everything right so far.