Need to uninstall Oracle Java 1.7 and restore Apple Java 1.6

  • Thread starter Thread starter bowjest
  • Start date Start date


I recently installed Oracle Java 1.7 to test a newer version of some software I use for work (we'll call it app A).

I wasn't impressed and am now finding that it causes a major conflict with another tool I need for my job (we'll call it app B). Basically, since 1.7 is now the system default, it is what is invoked when I try to launch app B, but app B won't work with 1.7, so it freaks out and I can't use it.

I've initially gotten around this by creating a launch script that contains the following:

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.6`; java -jar /Applications/

Great. Works. The problem is, I have a number of AppleScript and Keyboard Maestro shortcuts that I use to more efficiently manage how I work with app B and every time one of them references "activate App B" the system, of course, tries to launch a new instance using Java 1.7.

I'd really like to uninstall 1.7 and get 1.6 back working, but am not sure if the "solutions" I've found on Google are what I need. For instance:

Can anyone here confirm what I need to do to get rid of 1.7 and go back to using my 1.6 installation?

Am running Mavericks 10.9.2



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