Need permission from Administrators when logged in as administrator to delete a folder in...

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I have a Windows 8 laptop that I shared with my daughter. We had separate user accounts. Mine was an administrator account, hers was not. I recently bought her her own laptop and attempted to delete her account on my laptop. I did so by going to user accounts in Control Panel and deleting it. The delete process worked but left behind her user account folder (c:\users\account_name). I attempted to delete it but was told I needed permission from Administrators to perform that function even though mine was an administrator account. I followed the instructions in kb2623670 and that didn't help. I noticed the folder was marked as read only. When I attempted to unmark it I was told I will need administrator privileges to change the attribute. I clicked OK to confirm and got a message saying:

An error occurred applying attributes to the file:


Access is denied.

I then logged on as Administrator and tried to remove the folder and got the same result. I noticed in the Security tab that Administrator and Administrators (group) were listed separately and the latter was the owner of the folder. I then clicked the Advanced button and changed the owner from the Administrators group to the Administrator account just to confirm that was not the issue. I tried deleting the folder again and still didn't work. I then navigated to the bottom level subfolder, Libraries, and tried changing the attribute from read only. I got the same error. I then clicked the Security tab and saw "You must have Read permissions to view the properties of this object. Click Advanced to continue." I clicked the Advanced button and got "You must have Read permissions to view the properties of this object. Click Continue to attempt the operation with administrative permissions." I click the Continue button and got "You do not have permission to view this object's security properties, even as an administrative user. To try taking ownership of the object, which includes permission to view its properties, click Change above." There is no Change button. There are only 3 tabs: Permissions (which displays the message I just quoted), Share, and Effective Access (which contains the same message as the Permissions tab). I went back up to the account_name folder and in the Advance Security properties selected the option to "Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object." When I clicked Apply and then Yes on the following confirmation dialog, I got an error that said "Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied."

Is there any way to delete this folder, or even as an administrator are there some things that can't be done in Windows 8?

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