Need Assistance With Obtaining Upgrade App For Windows 10

Oh, alright so I will give it until like 5pm today when I get back if it didn't then I will leave as is with the recovered win7, will let you know, thanks.
Well it's still checking for updates but since the owner hasn't called me yet I will leave it as is until then.
Oh shoot, I did not see your reply and to shut down to work on another pc, this is another HP almost identical pc running win7 Home Premium SP1 which I had replaced the HDD and reloaded win7 and the get win10 icon is there in the taskbar, not fair huh? Anyway I took screenshots of the taskbar properties, when the owner leaves with this one in a while I will go back to the pc we are working on and use the same settings to see what happens, get back to you in another hour or so.
BTW, if a user tries the free upgrade for one year then decides not to purchase, any idea on how it would work to go back to their original OS, would the user need to hire a tech to do this?
If the user upgrades to Windows 10 before July 29, 2016, it is free, they don't have to purchase it.
If they decide within 30 days of the upgrade that they don't wish to keep Windows 10, it's a simple downgrade procedure.

After thirty days, if the user wants to downgrade, they will have to either do a clean install or if they made an image file, they could use that.
Oh, I had misunderstood what I was reading, I had thought one would need to pay for it at the end of that trial, can you point me to any resource online where I can show this info to potential clients please?

Also, when i started this pc in question this morning, it started installing 208 updates so you were right, so now let's wait and see if the win10 update will be there.
Thanks. The win10 icon is there now cindy but way I see it only option is to "reserve the upgrade" so I did and it is showing that "it can take a few days or weeks" and you will be notified when it's ready. I had thought with the icon there it would be immediately available?
Oh but that's the correct procedure right, that you have to choose the reserve option? Also does win10 installer over win7 so you won't lose any files or softwares?
Yes, choose reserve and as an upgrade, the user will be able to keep all files and usually all software.
You may come across the occasional program which isn't compatible but that's not the norm.

They recommend backing up all personal doc's, files, photo's etc. but I have yet to have a problem with losing any.
Ok, last question on this for now please, how will the user know the the pc is ready for win10, would you need to click on the win10 icon everyday or will there be a popup?