multiple My Documents folders

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob
  • Start date Start date


My Documents folders appear on the Desktop, My Computer / X's
Documents, and My Computer / Local Disk / Documents and Settings/ X /
My Documents, where X is my name. Why three locations? Are they
supposed to be identical (I don't think they always are)? Can't I
delete two of them as duplicates?
"Bob" <> wrote in message
> My Documents folders appear on the Desktop, My Computer / X's
> Documents, and My Computer / Local Disk / Documents and Settings/ X /
> My Documents, where X is my name. Why three locations? Are they
> supposed to be identical (I don't think they always are)? Can't I
> delete two of them as duplicates?
> Thanks.

There's only one My Documents folder per account, unless you deliberately
created new ones in other locations.

The location of the actual folder is, by default, c:\documents and
settings\<account name>\My Documents.

If you're logged into another account, other user's My Documents folders
will appear under the name "<Other User Name's > Documents".

What you see on the desktop and in My Computer are shortcuts - references to
the actual My Documents folder.

They aren't copies or duplicates, they are simply references to the one and
only copy. They take up only a few bytes and should not be deleted.

You can verify this by going to the folder in Explorer, and making a marker
file - say, "count_this.txt". Then, search the system for it. You'll
find one copy.

If you don't want to see it on the desktop, choose Start, right-click on My
Documents, and remove the checkmark next to "show on desktop".

One thing you generally don't want to realize is that in trying to save a
very small amount of space, you deleted your data.
