Mouse Not Detected Sometimes


Active Member
Mar 4, 2004
Hello everyone, cheers for this new look, its really cool!

I have a Q regarding the serial PS2 mouse I have. Sometimes, when I do a cold boot (usually after 20 hrs of inactivity) WinXP doesnt recognizes the mouse! the cursor is there, but I cant move it! What I do is to do a Restart and then WinXP Pro does recognizes the mouse....

This happens once in while, but its really annoying...anyone has a clue why this happens? I dont unplug the mouse at any time..
Driver probably isn't loading or the bios isn't initializing the serial port.
Might want to try a bios upgrade and mouse driver update.
Hey guess what, I upgraded the BIOS and Im still having the same problem, now, it seems some kind of prank, I do a cold boot, mouse not working, hot boot after that, mouse working, need to install something that requires reboot, mouse not working, reboot again after that, mouse working.

Now, It seems that we have an on and off situation here, its really annoying, any suggestions?
You might want to check and see if there is a new version of motherboard drivers. Could be the driver that Windows is loading isn't compaitible. Load the drivers off the motherboard cd or download them from Intel and try them out.