Modifying tar.gz / tar file to prevent extraction?

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im making backups of sensitive data to my VPS, i cant trust owner of the VPS node fully.
So i got an idea on which i need Your comments.

I can zip file with password, but i just discovered zip may not pack files larger 2gb, got some error like
"zip warning: name not matched: /backup/incremental/accounts/yzbuutpo/homedir/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/bomba1/dovecot"

so i got idea renaming my backups to something uninteresting and without tar.gz extension.
and another level of protection - can i anyhow edit the archive easilly so non professional dont recognize what file type it is and also make it corrupted for extraction by editting somehow easilly archive content? If anyone point to a guide, im linux amateur? Thank you

PS i assume i can also use openssl to encrypt archive, but i think it would eat alot of resources to encrypt like 15gb file..

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