Missing files with name starting above "H"...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ralph Malph
  • Start date Start date

Ralph Malph

I have a user who stores all their data on a shared folder on a Windows 2k3
server. In the users folder there are several thousand files. Starting at the
end of last week any file or folder starting with letters I - Z do not show
up in the folder. I have tried to access it from multiple PCs, using accounts
with "Full" permissions and I cannot get it to show me any of the files
starting with "I" and above. If I go to a DOS prompt I can do a "Dir" command
and they all show up, I just can't see them in a GUI window.

So that the user could continue to work I use the DOS command line to copy
all the "missing" files in to a temp folder on my local PC called "LRTemp". I
then used drag and drop to move the folder in to the users share. When I went
to look for the folder via the "GUI" I could not see it, it stated with a
letter above "I". So I went in to the share via a DOS prompt and renamed the
folder to" AMissing" and low and behold it showed up in the GUI windows for
the share. I have not been able to login directly to the server to see what
it looks like from that angle. As I do not have access to it. I am Desktop
not server support although I am MS certified.

Tomorrow I will have one of the server admins see what he can see when
actually logged in to the server. In the mean time, does anyone have any idea
why all of a sudden it would seem as if a "View Filter" has been put on that
folder, preventing it from displaying any file or directory starting with "I"
and above? Any idea where I would look to find what ever switch might have
been accidentally "mis-set"?

Thanks for the help,

Ralph Malph

PS...I am also posting this question to Windows XP general help...