Midi latency - DLS synth support

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daniel
  • Start date Start date


Hi from Brazil!

I changed my sound board from onboard to a nice one, installed all drivers
and made all updates, but I can not reduce the time latency that Windows XP
Direct sound engine spents when I send a midi note from my keyboard. It takes
half second to sound at sound board wave out channels.

I changed options at DirectX (from "GS synth" to "Mapper" to "FS Synth"),
but still there is an annoing lag.

Also, Windows XP DirectX uses that protected file "gs.dls" that is good
but... I know of better ones (since Windows 98 there are some synth programs
really good). How can I change it without going against "system protection" ?

Thanks, yours, Daniel
You are trying to do what MS calls a 'hotfix'. This would require use of the
MS 'certificate' and you do not have access to that.
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Mark L. Ferguson

"Daniel" wrote:

> Hi from Brazil!
> I changed my sound board from onboard to a nice one, installed all drivers
> and made all updates, but I can not reduce the time latency that Windows XP
> Direct sound engine spents when I send a midi note from my keyboard. It takes
> half second to sound at sound board wave out channels.
> I changed options at DirectX (from "GS synth" to "Mapper" to "FS Synth"),
> but still there is an annoing lag.
> Also, Windows XP DirectX uses that protected file "gs.dls" that is good
> but... I know of better ones (since Windows 98 there are some synth programs
> really good). How can I change it without going against "system protection" ?
> Thanks, yours, Daniel
"Mark L. Ferguson" wrote:
> You are trying to do what MS calls a 'hotfix'.
> This would require use of the MS 'certificate' and you do not have access to that.

Hot fix? Certificate? I don't know about it...

I need to play at my music keyboard, sending notes to sound card (MIDI IN),
record or stored them (some application), and them send sound to the world
(sound card Wave Out). But all these at real time! Not a 1/2 second delay.

If Microsoft require that I must show some certificate to allow me to update
the computer I use... ffff, may be it's better go back to my old computer and
the Windows 98, as it worked better. Or maybe have a try at linux...

I'm just tired of searching at Microsoft sites to get nothing useful. At
some internet groups I found that I must get down some microshit slow driver
and install a "new beta unsupported madeby someone hacked driver" that may
work or not...

Why just Microsoft do not post an open and free, easy to find, KB info about
"midi latency problem at Direct Xº" ??? No, it doesn't exist! But I already
have almost 1 gb of MS updates and hot-fixes downloaded/installed by

Well, thanks anyway.