Metro IE 10 Does not work if machine boots with DHCP Disabled


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Having an issue that is kind of annoying and confusing to me.
If I boot my Windows 8 machine with DHCP disabled, Metro IE10 does not work. It will tell me that I don't have an internet connection. Windows 8 then complains of an issue with the network connection (but then fails to identify it). Meanwhile, IE10 from the desktop works fine. As soon as I enable and start DHCP (Network Location Awareness + Network List Service start with it) Metro IE10 works. If I stop DHCP again, Metro IE10 continues to work. Only after a reboot with DHCP Disabled does this happen. I am using a static configuration.

One thing I noticed as well is that when I leave DHCP on, it slowly takes over my static IP config. Eventually it removes all of my static IP config and my connection stops working entirely.
I left it with DHCP on over night and when I came in this morning I had no Network Adapter. I had to reboot.

I just set up a fresh second workstation (Windows 8 "ready") and the same exact thing happens. These machines are VERY different physically. It hasn't declared war on my network adapter yet.
Why is this happening? I'd love to see if anyone can replicate this issue.

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