Mapping network drives

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If you right click on my computer, there is an option there to map a network

I have a website that I ftp data to all the time. Is there a way that I can
map a drive letter to this ftp site (eg using my username
and password so that I can copy files to a drive letter to upload rather
then using ftp?

"-1" <> wrote in message news:pQYji.95595$NV3.19577@pd7urf2no...
> If you right click on my computer, there is an option there to map a
> network drive.
> I have a website that I ftp data to all the time. Is there a way that I
> can map a drive letter to this ftp site (eg using my
> username and password so that I can copy files to a drive letter to upload
> rather then using ftp?
> thx

You can't quite map a network drive this way.

But you *can*, however use NetDrive (by Novell) to do this - do a search for
it. It will allow you to assign a mappable drive letter to an FTP location.

It does work... and for some things, it works *great*, but for others...
you'll hit a wall. Simple copying and synch? No problem, if you're the
only user.

I investigated ths in the context of storing a data fle for a multi/user
booking billing program. It relies on FTP and local internet speeds, so I
found that it took abotu 5-10 minutes to prepare the file, which was only 20
meg at the time - now it's over 60 - and about 10 minutes to detach from it.
This was so discouraging that I didn't bother seeing what the multi-user
effects would have been,.

If it's just you putting sutff up on the site, NetDrive can be what you
need. Free, too, IIRC

Thank you, I'm going to give this app a try

"Patrick Keenan" <test@dev.null> wrote in message
> "-1" <> wrote in message
> news:pQYji.95595$NV3.19577@pd7urf2no...
>> If you right click on my computer, there is an option there to map a
>> network drive.
>> I have a website that I ftp data to all the time. Is there a way that I
>> can map a drive letter to this ftp site (eg using my
>> username and password so that I can copy files to a drive letter to
>> upload rather then using ftp?
>> thx

> You can't quite map a network drive this way.
> But you *can*, however use NetDrive (by Novell) to do this - do a search
> for it. It will allow you to assign a mappable drive letter to an FTP
> location.
> It does work... and for some things, it works *great*, but for others...
> you'll hit a wall. Simple copying and synch? No problem, if you're the
> only user.
> I investigated ths in the context of storing a data fle for a multi/user
> booking billing program. It relies on FTP and local internet speeds, so I
> found that it took abotu 5-10 minutes to prepare the file, which was only
> 20 meg at the time - now it's over 60 - and about 10 minutes to detach
> from it. This was so discouraging that I didn't bother seeing what the
> multi-user effects would have been,.
> If it's just you putting sutff up on the site, NetDrive can be what you
> need. Free, too, IIRC
> -pk