Mangled Graphics in IE and Metro apps


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I thought this might just be one PC, but am finding this problem on home, work and even my Surface RT. Sometimes when viewing web pages (or graphics in metro apps that use IE to display content like a newsreader) a graphic will be replaced or mangled with
a what looks like green video noise, and sometimes part of the previously viewed graphic is part of it. It's hard to describe without seeing it, but it shows up on pages with lots of graphics boxes like news blogs (sites like a Buzzfeed or Google News).

This is what happens:

Its very very common, and I thought it might be video drivers (mostly use AMD), but when it happened on my Surface I found this to be more common than I thought. Is anyone else seeing this or have a fix?
Curt Kessler - FLC

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