Windows 2003 Mandatory Roaming Profiles SLOW (XP, win 2003)

  • Thread starter Thread starter d33tz
  • Start date Start date


The logon process takes on average 90 seconds to complete. I am using folder
redirection for everything except Desktop. We simply don't allow the user to
update the desktop.

This is for a small University, with 60 desktops, and a userbase of 1000

We have XP clients, connecting to a Windows 2003 DC. In ADUC the profile
path for each user is:


So each computer has its own mandatory profile, which allows us to mix and
match hardware if needed. (i.e. 2 labs may not have the same type of
hardware, or may not have the same type of software installed)

I don't see any errors in my event log. When logging the userenv I see the

USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 FindTotalDiskSpaceNeeded: Largest 7 file size
is 2114411
USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 Available -430923776
USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 Needed 9103758
USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 Src size 6161733
USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 Dest size 0
USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 Largest hive file 2097152
USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Found hive file
USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:130 ReconcileFile: E:\ICT204\ntuser.dat.LOG ==>
C:\Documents and Settings\chli\ntuser.dat.LOG [OK]
USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:130 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Found hive file
USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:163 ReconcileFile: E:\ICT204\ntuser.ini ==>
C:\Documents and Settings\chli\ntuser.ini [OK]
USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:163 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Found hive file
USERENV(284.288) 11:23:03:706 ReconcileFile: E:\ICT204\ ==>
C:\Documents and Settings\chli\ [OK]
USERENV(284.288) 11:23:03:706 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Found hive file
USERENV(284.288) 11:23:03:722 ReconcileFile: Unable to open temporary file
USERENV(284.288) 11:23:03:722 ReconcileFile: E:\ICT204\ntuser.pol ==>
C:\Documents and Settings\chli\ntuser.pol [OK]
USERENV(284.288) 11:23:03:722 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Calling
ReconcileDirectory for all Directories
USERENV(284.288) 11:23:07:032 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Reconcile Directory
Done for all Directories
USERENV(284.eb8) 11:23:07:064 ReconcileFile:
E:\ICT204\workspace\.metadata\version.ini ==> C:\Documents and
Settings\chli\workspace\.metadata\version.ini [OK]
USERENV(284.9bc) 11:23:07:080 ReconcileFile: E:\ICT204

The biggest gap is 11:22:24:163 to 11:23:03:706 which is almost 40 seconds.
There are no errors in the event viewer.

Currenlty the Domain Controller is under NO load. It is just one
workstation connecting to the DC.

I have also installed the XP hotfix outline in:

I'd be interested in any hints or tips on how to troubleshoot this. Its
driving me nuts.

any antivirus ? Some may launch a scan on log on.
Is the "make offline" disabled on profiles shares (especially the redirected
desktop) (may help a bit) ?

Is the antivirus scanning on access on the DC ?

this roaming setup looks a bit strange to me, you may explain us what you
would like, so we may provide you our way to make it done


"d33tz" <> wrote in message
> The logon process takes on average 90 seconds to complete. I am using
> folder
> redirection for everything except Desktop. We simply don't allow the user
> to
> update the desktop.
> This is for a small University, with 60 desktops, and a userbase of 1000
> students.
> We have XP clients, connecting to a Windows 2003 DC. In ADUC the profile
> path for each user is:
> \\labcontroller\profiles$\%COMPUTERNAME%
> So each computer has its own mandatory profile, which allows us to mix and
> match hardware if needed. (i.e. 2 labs may not have the same type of
> hardware, or may not have the same type of software installed)
> I don't see any errors in my event log. When logging the userenv I see
> the
> following:
> USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 FindTotalDiskSpaceNeeded: Largest 7 file
> size
> is 2114411
> USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 Available -430923776
> USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 Needed 9103758
> USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 Src size 6161733
> USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 Dest size 0
> USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 Largest hive file 2097152
> USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:079 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Found hive file
> ntuser.dat.LOG
> USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:130 ReconcileFile: E:\ICT204\ntuser.dat.LOG ==>
> C:\Documents and Settings\chli\ntuser.dat.LOG [OK]
> USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:130 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Found hive file
> ntuser.ini
> USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:163 ReconcileFile: E:\ICT204\ntuser.ini ==>
> C:\Documents and Settings\chli\ntuser.ini [OK]
> USERENV(284.288) 11:22:24:163 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Found hive file
> USERENV(284.288) 11:23:03:706 ReconcileFile: E:\ICT204\ ==>
> C:\Documents and Settings\chli\ [OK]
> USERENV(284.288) 11:23:03:706 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Found hive file
> ntuser.pol
> USERENV(284.288) 11:23:03:722 ReconcileFile: Unable to open temporary file
> USERENV(284.288) 11:23:03:722 ReconcileFile: E:\ICT204\ntuser.pol ==>
> C:\Documents and Settings\chli\ntuser.pol [OK]
> USERENV(284.288) 11:23:03:722 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Calling
> ReconcileDirectory for all Directories
> USERENV(284.288) 11:23:07:032 CopyProfileDirectoryEx: Reconcile Directory
> Done for all Directories
> USERENV(284.eb8) 11:23:07:064 ReconcileFile:
> E:\ICT204\workspace\.metadata\version.ini ==> C:\Documents and
> Settings\chli\workspace\.metadata\version.ini [OK]
> USERENV(284.9bc) 11:23:07:080 ReconcileFile: E:\ICT204
> The biggest gap is 11:22:24:163 to 11:23:03:706 which is almost 40
> seconds.
> There are no errors in the event viewer.
> Currenlty the Domain Controller is under NO load. It is just one
> workstation connecting to the DC.
> I have also installed the XP hotfix outline in:
> I'd be interested in any hints or tips on how to troubleshoot this. Its
> driving me nuts.
I had Symantec Corp Edition installed, but I uninstalled it and it still does
the same thing. I'm pretty sure I set all the make offline disabled stuff.
I'll have to double check.

As for the setup.

We have 4 labs, each with 15 computers each. All the computers in a
particular lab have identical hardware and software. Presumably each lab
would have different software isntalled. For instance, a lab for computer
majors would have programming tools installed. One for math majors would
have math tools installed. We can't afford the licenses to licesnese every
computer in every lab with all software packages. However we want all
students to be able to log into ALL labs.

We use mandatory profiles on each computer to ensure the users wll be able
to see the appropriate software, and have the correct setup associated with
that computer. This means our profiles directory has 60 profiles (one for
each computer) as opposed to a thousand profiles (one for each user)

We used to have it set up this way when we had a linux server running samba.
Now we are trying to migrate to a windows 2003 domain controller and are
running into problems (slow logins)

"Mathieu CHATEAU" wrote:

> Hello,
> any antivirus ? Some may launch a scan on log on.
> Is the "make offline" disabled on profiles shares (especially the redirected
> desktop) (may help a bit) ?
> Is the antivirus scanning on access on the DC ?
> this roaming setup looks a bit strange to me, you may explain us what you
> would like, so we may provide you our way to make it done
> --
> Cordialement,
> Mathieu CHATEAU
how big are these profiles ? 25MB ?

About shortcuts, if they are in the "all users", everyon that log on the
workstation will have them (and only when logged on this station)

Letting student with their own profile allow them to have individual
application preference (like the drawing bar in word as a sample)


"d33tz" <> wrote in message
>I had Symantec Corp Edition installed, but I uninstalled it and it still
> the same thing. I'm pretty sure I set all the make offline disabled
> stuff.
> I'll have to double check.
> As for the setup.
> We have 4 labs, each with 15 computers each. All the computers in a
> particular lab have identical hardware and software. Presumably each lab
> would have different software isntalled. For instance, a lab for computer
> majors would have programming tools installed. One for math majors would
> have math tools installed. We can't afford the licenses to licesnese
> every
> computer in every lab with all software packages. However we want all
> students to be able to log into ALL labs.
> We use mandatory profiles on each computer to ensure the users wll be able
> to see the appropriate software, and have the correct setup associated
> with
> that computer. This means our profiles directory has 60 profiles (one for
> each computer) as opposed to a thousand profiles (one for each user)
> We used to have it set up this way when we had a linux server running
> samba.
> Now we are trying to migrate to a windows 2003 domain controller and are
> running into problems (slow logins)
> "Mathieu CHATEAU" wrote:
>> Hello,
>> any antivirus ? Some may launch a scan on log on.
>> Is the "make offline" disabled on profiles shares (especially the
>> redirected
>> desktop) (may help a bit) ?
>> Is the antivirus scanning on access on the DC ?
>> this roaming setup looks a bit strange to me, you may explain us what you
>> would like, so we may provide you our way to make it done
>> --
>> Cordialement,
>> Mathieu CHATEAU
"Mathieu CHATEAU" wrote:

> how big are these profiles ? 25MB ?

If I go into the profiles directory on the server and right click on a
profile and see its properties, it reads at just a little over 5mb.