Make shell32.dll working again (shell replacement)

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I created my own shell replacement and it's working quite well. The
shell is registered in the registry in "...\Winlogon\Shell" instead of
explorer.exe. My problem is, that the shell32.dll doesn't provide any
functionality anymore (I think the functionality was provided by
explorer.exe previously). How can my own shell provide this
My concret problem is the following:
I'm still using explorer.exe as file manager and it works without
major problem, but there is one minor: The explorer.exe isn't able to
call SHChangeNotifyRegister and so it doesn't immediatly display
changes in the file system. Whenever files are copied or deleted, the
explorer doesn't display the changes. You've to press F5 (Refresh) to
make the new files visible and to make the deleted files hidden. Is
there a way to make the shell notifications working again? Or
preferable make all the shell services working again?
Maybe I can instanciate the services anyhow (by just calling some
functions of some dlls). Or I've to go a different way to only solve
my concret problem.

Does anyone know something about this undocumented windows-stuff?

Just post if you've any information, regardless of how unrelated it
may seem!