Make OE compact the messages more frequently??

  • Thread starter Thread starter vista user 43
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Frequently compact all OE folders manually and you'll never see Automatic
Compacting (

More on Automatic Compacting:

General OE Caveats:

- Don't use Inbox or Sent Items to archive messages. Move them to local
folders created for this purpose.

- Empty Deleted Items folder daily.

- Frequently perform a manual compact of all OE folders while "working
offline". More at

- Do not cancel Automatic Compacting, should it occur, and do not attempt to
close OE via Task Manager or shutdown your machine if Automatic Compacting
is taking place.

- Your anti-virus application's email scanning feature can also cause
corruption. Disable it. It provides no additional protection.
=> OE-specific newsgroup:
news:// !!

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)

vista user 43 wrote:
> Hello, OE compacts the dbx files after 100 runs according to this site
> IS IT POSSIBLE to make it compact the emails after less times, for example
> 30?
> Im Using XPSP2