Looking for good replacement for Firefox.

  • Thread starter Thread starter elija
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With every release, Firefox gets worse. Version 29 is it for me as I now have use plug-ins to restore basic interface elements thus making it even more bloated than it's default state. Given that Firefox was supposed to be a lightweight and completely bloat free answer to the Netscape suite, I wonder if the Firefox developers realise how badly they have failed.

I have been looking for an alternative and so far:

  • Midori:
    • User styles don't work
    • The per site JavaScript blocker is so awful that I think it has been sponsored by ad companies so that you don;t want to use it to block their broken and generally crappy scripts!

  • Seamonkey:
    • 32 bit only; or at least I haven't been able to find a 64 bit version and frankly I can't be bothered compiling it.

  • Konqueror:
    • No per site script blocking.
    • No per site user styles.
    • Somehow feels primitive and yes I know that's purely subjective.

  • Chome / Chromium
    • Try as I might, I cannot get on with these browsers.
    • Vague worries about Google's involvement.

  • Opera:
    • Closed source; but becoming open source friendly.

After all that I am using Opera for the moment as it is the closest to what I want from a browser. Only one of my following requirements isn't met.

Can anyone recommend a browser that:
  • Doesn't require plug-ins to restore a basic and sane interface.
  • Has ad-blocking either in-built or as a plug-in.
  • Has per-site JavaScript blocking that is as slick as the No Script plug-in for Firefox.
  • Has per-site user scripts and styles; which can be built-in or plug-in.
  • Is not gaining bloat and breaking the interface with every release.
  • Is open source.
  • Doesn't make me worry about Google's involvement.

That's not a big requirements list. Is it?

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