Looking for an encryption software

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pete
  • Start date Start date


I am looking for an encryption tool to encrypt the exnternal harddrive and
network drive. Here is what I want.

When I copy the files to the external harddrive, the files are encrypted on
the fly. The applications on my machine can read/write to the drive
seamlessly. They don't even aware that the drive is encrypted.

I don't have to enter the passcode to set up the encrypted drive when the
machine reboots.

When I or someone take the drive and put in another computer, he has to
enter the passcode to see the contents of the encrypted drive.

I found a free software called TrueCrypt. It almost does what I want to do.
But I have to "mount" the drive everytime system boots up. That involves
entering the passcode. Is there any software does what it does without
renetering the passcode and remounting the drive?

It looks like Vista Bitlocker can do what I want to do. But I am using Vista
Home Premium.

Thanks for your help.
"Pete" wrote in message
>I am looking for an encryption tool to encrypt the exnternal harddrive and
>network drive. Here is what I want.

> It looks like Vista Bitlocker can do what I want to do. But I am using
> Vista Home Premium.

So, if I understand correctly, you have data that is very much worth
protecting, but not worth very much?

Vista Bitlocker can do what you want to do for the local disk, but not the
network drive. EFS can encrypt your files and folders on both local and
remote drives, but transmits the files in clear-text if you aren't using
something like IPsec.

As pointed out, Vista won't do Bitlocker (or EFS) from certain SKUs, so you
may find that you have to upgrade Vista in order to protect your data.

How much is your data worth protecting?
