Looking at Microsoft from outside the sandbox

  • Thread starter Thread starter Adam Albright
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Adam Albright

Mention Microsoft, like George Bush, Ann Coulter or Michael Moore and
most people have either very strong or very negative opinions.

Why is that?

The other characters are too far off topic to discuss here, but why is
Microsoft sometimes referred to as the evil empire? Perhaps we're too
close, since most people use Windows, so maybe we're too close to take
an objective look. So while some think I spend a lot of time here, I
spend a lot of time being an investor and researching investments.
Odd, the same things you see people say here about Microsoft also come
from the financial community concerning Microsoft's management...or
lack of it.

Sure Microsoft by any yardstick is a successful company. It sits on
top a pile of cash. Still it doesn't get much respect. A recent
comment from an analysis I'll paraphrase, was: While Microsoft
dominates the OS sector and has made inroads into computer gaming,
these businesses while expanding, still suffer from what seems
incompetent or just plain ineffective and sloppy marketing and at best
lukewarm customer approval.


Joe Average, long ago concluded Microsoft at best makes mediocre
products. Many customers use Windows only because it came preinstalled
in some computer they bought. It wasn't their choice. Joe Average
feels he was pushed into using Windows. Worse, Microsoft simply don't
respect their customers. They force a overly restrictive license on
them, demand activation and spy over and over to be sure your copy of
Windows is legit. They went along without a whimper with DRM, the
music industry was demanding. They could have stood up for Joe Average
and tell the Hollywood crowd to go screw themselves, but Microsoft
caved in and went along with screwing their customers instead.

I think like politicians that spend most of their time inside
Washington's beltway, Microsoft executives, especially idiots like the
CEO Ballmer have no concept of the real world or how frustrating
fooling around with a application full of bugs can be.

Old Stevie got an ear full Wednesday, when he heard from an angry mom
who said she hated Vista, hated the rigmarole she had to go through
for her daughter to install it, then not happy having to reinstall XP,
jump through more hoops because Vista, for her was crummy.

This revelation that nearly caused Ballmer to fall off his chair
apparently was a highlight of the conference where the confrontation
took place. Poor Stevie had no idea. He should ditch the country club
circuit and get out more and meet real people and he'd learn a lot
about real world experiences with Vista.

One possible reason investors never get excited about Microsoft
anymore as an investment is poor management and a perception the whole
company is a house of cards. Microsoft is successful because no other
large company that also has deep pockets has really pushed them to
excel through competition. If that day ever comes, watch out. Because
right now Microsoft it fat, lazy and don't give a crap.

Maybe Bill Gates' long time rival Steve Jobs of Apple should try a
hostile takeover. <wink>
"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message
> Mention Microsoft, like George Bush, Ann Coulter or Michael Moore and
> most people have either very strong or very negative opinions.
> Why is that?
> The other characters are too far off topic to discuss here, but why is
> Microsoft sometimes referred to as the evil empire? Perhaps we're too
> close, since most people use Windows, so maybe we're too close to take
> an objective look. So while some think I spend a lot of time here, I
> spend a lot of time being an investor and researching investments.
> Odd, the same things you see people say here about Microsoft also come
> from the financial community concerning Microsoft's management...or
> lack of it.
> Sure Microsoft by any yardstick is a successful company. It sits on
> top a pile of cash. Still it doesn't get much respect. A recent
> comment from an analysis I'll paraphrase, was: While Microsoft
> dominates the OS sector and has made inroads into computer gaming,
> these businesses while expanding, still suffer from what seems
> incompetent or just plain ineffective and sloppy marketing and at best
> lukewarm customer approval.
> Bingo!
> Joe Average, long ago concluded Microsoft at best makes mediocre
> products. Many customers use Windows only because it came preinstalled
> in some computer they bought. It wasn't their choice. Joe Average
> feels he was pushed into using Windows. Worse, Microsoft simply don't
> respect their customers. They force a overly restrictive license on
> them, demand activation and spy over and over to be sure your copy of
> Windows is legit. They went along without a whimper with DRM, the
> music industry was demanding. They could have stood up for Joe Average
> and tell the Hollywood crowd to go screw themselves, but Microsoft
> caved in and went along with screwing their customers instead.
> I think like politicians that spend most of their time inside
> Washington's beltway, Microsoft executives, especially idiots like the
> CEO Ballmer have no concept of the real world or how frustrating
> fooling around with a application full of bugs can be.
> Old Stevie got an ear full Wednesday, when he heard from an angry mom
> who said she hated Vista, hated the rigmarole she had to go through
> for her daughter to install it, then not happy having to reinstall XP,
> jump through more hoops because Vista, for her was crummy.
> This revelation that nearly caused Ballmer to fall off his chair
> apparently was a highlight of the conference where the confrontation
> took place. Poor Stevie had no idea. He should ditch the country club
> circuit and get out more and meet real people and he'd learn a lot
> about real world experiences with Vista.
> One possible reason investors never get excited about Microsoft
> anymore as an investment is poor management and a perception the whole
> company is a house of cards. Microsoft is successful because no other
> large company that also has deep pockets has really pushed them to
> excel through competition. If that day ever comes, watch out. Because
> right now Microsoft it fat, lazy and don't give a crap.
> Maybe Bill Gates' long time rival Steve Jobs of Apple should try a
> hostile takeover. <wink>

People also have strong opinions about Pepsi vs. Coke , potato chips ,
automobile brands, and death.
So freaking what, Wacko?
What brilliant insight do you believe to be exposing?
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:43:18 -0400, "fourteen" <fourteen@linux.sux>

>"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message
>> Mention Microsoft, like George Bush, Ann Coulter or Michael Moore and
>> most people have either very strong or very negative opinions.
>> Why is that?
>> The other characters are too far off topic to discuss here, but why is
>> Microsoft sometimes referred to as the evil empire? Perhaps we're too
>> close, since most people use Windows, so maybe we're too close to take
>> an objective look. So while some think I spend a lot of time here, I
>> spend a lot of time being an investor and researching investments.
>> Odd, the same things you see people say here about Microsoft also come
>> from the financial community concerning Microsoft's management...or
>> lack of it.
>> Sure Microsoft by any yardstick is a successful company. It sits on
>> top a pile of cash. Still it doesn't get much respect. A recent
>> comment from an analysis I'll paraphrase, was: While Microsoft
>> dominates the OS sector and has made inroads into computer gaming,
>> these businesses while expanding, still suffer from what seems
>> incompetent or just plain ineffective and sloppy marketing and at best
>> lukewarm customer approval.
>> Bingo!
>> Joe Average, long ago concluded Microsoft at best makes mediocre
>> products. Many customers use Windows only because it came preinstalled
>> in some computer they bought. It wasn't their choice. Joe Average
>> feels he was pushed into using Windows. Worse, Microsoft simply don't
>> respect their customers. They force a overly restrictive license on
>> them, demand activation and spy over and over to be sure your copy of
>> Windows is legit. They went along without a whimper with DRM, the
>> music industry was demanding. They could have stood up for Joe Average
>> and tell the Hollywood crowd to go screw themselves, but Microsoft
>> caved in and went along with screwing their customers instead.
>> I think like politicians that spend most of their time inside
>> Washington's beltway, Microsoft executives, especially idiots like the
>> CEO Ballmer have no concept of the real world or how frustrating
>> fooling around with a application full of bugs can be.
>> Old Stevie got an ear full Wednesday, when he heard from an angry mom
>> who said she hated Vista, hated the rigmarole she had to go through
>> for her daughter to install it, then not happy having to reinstall XP,
>> jump through more hoops because Vista, for her was crummy.
>> This revelation that nearly caused Ballmer to fall off his chair
>> apparently was a highlight of the conference where the confrontation
>> took place. Poor Stevie had no idea. He should ditch the country club
>> circuit and get out more and meet real people and he'd learn a lot
>> about real world experiences with Vista.
>> One possible reason investors never get excited about Microsoft
>> anymore as an investment is poor management and a perception the whole
>> company is a house of cards. Microsoft is successful because no other
>> large company that also has deep pockets has really pushed them to
>> excel through competition. If that day ever comes, watch out. Because
>> right now Microsoft it fat, lazy and don't give a crap.
>> Maybe Bill Gates' long time rival Steve Jobs of Apple should try a
>> hostile takeover. <wink>

>People also have strong opinions about Pepsi vs. Coke , potato chips ,
>automobile brands, and death.
>So freaking what, Wacko?
>What brilliant insight do you believe to be exposing?

Oh, maybe just more flypaper to snare wack jobs like you.
"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:43:18 -0400, "fourteen" <fourteen@linux.sux>
> wrote:
>>"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message
>>> Mention Microsoft, like George Bush, Ann Coulter or Michael Moore and
>>> most people have either very strong or very negative opinions.
>>> Why is that?
>>> The other characters are too far off topic to discuss here, but why is
>>> Microsoft sometimes referred to as the evil empire? Perhaps we're too
>>> close, since most people use Windows, so maybe we're too close to take
>>> an objective look. So while some think I spend a lot of time here, I
>>> spend a lot of time being an investor and researching investments.
>>> Odd, the same things you see people say here about Microsoft also come
>>> from the financial community concerning Microsoft's management...or
>>> lack of it.
>>> Sure Microsoft by any yardstick is a successful company. It sits on
>>> top a pile of cash. Still it doesn't get much respect. A recent
>>> comment from an analysis I'll paraphrase, was: While Microsoft
>>> dominates the OS sector and has made inroads into computer gaming,
>>> these businesses while expanding, still suffer from what seems
>>> incompetent or just plain ineffective and sloppy marketing and at best
>>> lukewarm customer approval.
>>> Bingo!
>>> Joe Average, long ago concluded Microsoft at best makes mediocre
>>> products. Many customers use Windows only because it came preinstalled
>>> in some computer they bought. It wasn't their choice. Joe Average
>>> feels he was pushed into using Windows. Worse, Microsoft simply don't
>>> respect their customers. They force a overly restrictive license on
>>> them, demand activation and spy over and over to be sure your copy of
>>> Windows is legit. They went along without a whimper with DRM, the
>>> music industry was demanding. They could have stood up for Joe Average
>>> and tell the Hollywood crowd to go screw themselves, but Microsoft
>>> caved in and went along with screwing their customers instead.
>>> I think like politicians that spend most of their time inside
>>> Washington's beltway, Microsoft executives, especially idiots like the
>>> CEO Ballmer have no concept of the real world or how frustrating
>>> fooling around with a application full of bugs can be.
>>> Old Stevie got an ear full Wednesday, when he heard from an angry mom
>>> who said she hated Vista, hated the rigmarole she had to go through
>>> for her daughter to install it, then not happy having to reinstall XP,
>>> jump through more hoops because Vista, for her was crummy.
>>> This revelation that nearly caused Ballmer to fall off his chair
>>> apparently was a highlight of the conference where the confrontation
>>> took place. Poor Stevie had no idea. He should ditch the country club
>>> circuit and get out more and meet real people and he'd learn a lot
>>> about real world experiences with Vista.
>>> One possible reason investors never get excited about Microsoft
>>> anymore as an investment is poor management and a perception the whole
>>> company is a house of cards. Microsoft is successful because no other
>>> large company that also has deep pockets has really pushed them to
>>> excel through competition. If that day ever comes, watch out. Because
>>> right now Microsoft it fat, lazy and don't give a crap.
>>> Maybe Bill Gates' long time rival Steve Jobs of Apple should try a
>>> hostile takeover. <wink>

>>People also have strong opinions about Pepsi vs. Coke , potato chips ,
>>automobile brands, and death.
>>So freaking what, Wacko?
>>What brilliant insight do you believe to be exposing?

> Oh, maybe just more flypaper to snare wack jobs like you.

Thanks for thinking of me.
You took all that time to get a reply from me, aren't you sweet.
How was your nap?
Adam Albright wrote:

> Mention Microsoft, like George Bush, Ann Coulter or Michael Moore and
> most people have either very strong or very negative opinions.
> Why is that?
> The other characters are too far off topic to discuss here, but why is
> Microsoft sometimes referred to as the evil empire? Perhaps we're too
> close, since most people use Windows, so maybe we're too close to take
> an objective look. So while some think I spend a lot of time here, I
> spend a lot of time being an investor and researching investments.
> Odd, the same things you see people say here about Microsoft also come
> from the financial community concerning Microsoft's management...or
> lack of it.
> Sure Microsoft by any yardstick is a successful company. It sits on
> top a pile of cash. Still it doesn't get much respect. A recent
> comment from an analysis I'll paraphrase, was: While Microsoft
> dominates the OS sector and has made inroads into computer gaming,
> these businesses while expanding, still suffer from what seems
> incompetent or just plain ineffective and sloppy marketing and at best
> lukewarm customer approval.
> Bingo!
> Joe Average, long ago concluded Microsoft at best makes mediocre
> products. Many customers use Windows only because it came preinstalled
> in some computer they bought. It wasn't their choice. Joe Average
> feels he was pushed into using Windows. Worse, Microsoft simply don't
> respect their customers. They force a overly restrictive license on
> them, demand activation and spy over and over to be sure your copy of
> Windows is legit. They went along without a whimper with DRM, the
> music industry was demanding. They could have stood up for Joe Average
> and tell the Hollywood crowd to go screw themselves, but Microsoft
> caved in and went along with screwing their customers instead.
> I think like politicians that spend most of their time inside
> Washington's beltway, Microsoft executives, especially idiots like the
> CEO Ballmer have no concept of the real world or how frustrating
> fooling around with a application full of bugs can be.
> Old Stevie got an ear full Wednesday, when he heard from an angry mom
> who said she hated Vista, hated the rigmarole she had to go through
> for her daughter to install it, then not happy having to reinstall XP,
> jump through more hoops because Vista, for her was crummy.
> This revelation that nearly caused Ballmer to fall off his chair
> apparently was a highlight of the conference where the confrontation
> took place. Poor Stevie had no idea. He should ditch the country club
> circuit and get out more and meet real people and he'd learn a lot
> about real world experiences with Vista.
> One possible reason investors never get excited about Microsoft
> anymore as an investment is poor management and a perception the whole
> company is a house of cards. Microsoft is successful because no other
> large company that also has deep pockets has really pushed them to
> excel through competition. If that day ever comes, watch out. Because
> right now Microsoft it fat, lazy and don't give a crap.
> Maybe Bill Gates' long time rival Steve Jobs of Apple should try a
> hostile takeover. <wink>

Obviously you've got a lot of free time on your hands sitting in your
lonely cell at the mental institution to dream up all of your loser
bullsh*t diatribes.
Do you ever wonder why you are one of the most despised posters in this ng?
Maybe because you're such a despicable as*hole of a human being?
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:54:26 -0400, "fourteen" <fourteen@linux.sux>

>>>People also have strong opinions about Pepsi vs. Coke , potato chips ,
>>>automobile brands, and death.
>>>So freaking what, Wacko?
>>>What brilliant insight do you believe to be exposing?

>> Oh, maybe just more flypaper to snare wack jobs like you.

>Thanks for thinking of me.
>You took all that time to get a reply from me, aren't you sweet.
>How was your nap?

I don't have to anything but snap my fingers to get a response from
the fanboy gang of dummies. You fools come running faster then a group
of hungry pigs running to slurp up a new bucket of slop some farmer
just dumped in their pen. Yea, you guys ARE that dumb and predictable
which tends to explain why you are fanboys to begin with. You guys are
so damn dumb you'll swallow anything Microsoft tells you and never
question it.
"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:54:26 -0400, "fourteen" <fourteen@linux.sux>
> wrote:
>>>>People also have strong opinions about Pepsi vs. Coke , potato chips ,
>>>>automobile brands, and death.
>>>>So freaking what, Wacko?
>>>>What brilliant insight do you believe to be exposing?
>>> Oh, maybe just more flypaper to snare wack jobs like you.

>>Thanks for thinking of me.
>>You took all that time to get a reply from me, aren't you sweet.
>>How was your nap?

> I don't have to anything but snap my fingers to get a response from
> the fanboy gang of dummies. You fools come running faster then a group
> of hungry pigs running to slurp up a new bucket of slop some farmer
> just dumped in their pen. Yea, you guys ARE that dumb and predictable
> which tends to explain why you are fanboys to begin with. You guys are
> so damn dumb you'll swallow anything Microsoft tells you and never
> question it.

I troll the trolls.
and arthritis prevents you from snapping those crippled digits you call
uh, Microsoft doesn't tell me anything.
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 17:11:31 -0400, "fourteen" <fourteen@linux.sux>

>"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message

>> I don't have to anything but snap my fingers to get a response from
>> the fanboy gang of dummies. You fools come running faster then a group
>> of hungry pigs running to slurp up a new bucket of slop some farmer
>> just dumped in their pen. Yea, you guys ARE that dumb and predictable
>> which tends to explain why you are fanboys to begin with. You guys are
>> so damn dumb you'll swallow anything Microsoft tells you and never
>> question it.

>I troll the trolls.

Frank claims that too. The reality is you two idiots are the real
trolls. Sadly, is isn't just you two morons.

Isn't it time you changed the name you post under to twenty-one? I've
nailed your sorry ass repeatedly with you using fourteen. I'm just
suggesting a way for you to save face. Then again maybe you like me
showing what a jerk you are.
"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 17:11:31 -0400, "fourteen" <fourteen@linux.sux>
> wrote:
>>"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message

>>> I don't have to anything but snap my fingers to get a response from
>>> the fanboy gang of dummies. You fools come running faster then a group
>>> of hungry pigs running to slurp up a new bucket of slop some farmer
>>> just dumped in their pen. Yea, you guys ARE that dumb and predictable
>>> which tends to explain why you are fanboys to begin with. You guys are
>>> so damn dumb you'll swallow anything Microsoft tells you and never
>>> question it.

>>I troll the trolls.

> Frank claims that too. The reality is you two idiots are the real
> trolls. Sadly, is isn't just you two morons.
> Isn't it time you changed the name you post under to twenty-one? I've
> nailed your sorry ass repeatedly with you using fourteen. I'm just
> suggesting a way for you to save face. Then again maybe you like me
> showing what a jerk you are.

Man, you are so clever. I told you I use multiples of seven. Its no secret.
Trying to play detective again?
Why would I need to save face?
What does that mean?
I don't wear a shirt that says " I post under multiples of seven T-shirt"
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 17:35:49 -0400, "fourteen" <fourteen@linux.sux>

>"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 17:11:31 -0400, "fourteen" <fourteen@linux.sux>
>> wrote:
>>>"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message

>>>> I don't have to anything but snap my fingers to get a response from
>>>> the fanboy gang of dummies. You fools come running faster then a group
>>>> of hungry pigs running to slurp up a new bucket of slop some farmer
>>>> just dumped in their pen. Yea, you guys ARE that dumb and predictable
>>>> which tends to explain why you are fanboys to begin with. You guys are
>>>> so damn dumb you'll swallow anything Microsoft tells you and never
>>>> question it.

>>>I troll the trolls.

>> Frank claims that too. The reality is you two idiots are the real
>> trolls. Sadly, is isn't just you two morons.
>> Isn't it time you changed the name you post under to twenty-one? I've
>> nailed your sorry ass repeatedly with you using fourteen. I'm just
>> suggesting a way for you to save face. Then again maybe you like me
>> showing what a jerk you are.

>Man, you are so clever. I told you I use multiples of seven. Its no secret.
>Trying to play detective again?
>Why would I need to save face?
>What does that mean?
>I don't wear a shirt that says " I post under multiples of seven T-shirt"

What you need is some brains. Sorry, I don't know of anyone that sells
"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 17:35:49 -0400, "fourteen" <fourteen@linux.sux>
> wrote:
>>"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 17:11:31 -0400, "fourteen" <fourteen@linux.sux>
>>> wrote:
>>>>"Adam Albright" <AA@ABC.net> wrote in message
>>>>> I don't have to anything but snap my fingers to get a response from
>>>>> the fanboy gang of dummies. You fools come running faster then a group
>>>>> of hungry pigs running to slurp up a new bucket of slop some farmer
>>>>> just dumped in their pen. Yea, you guys ARE that dumb and predictable
>>>>> which tends to explain why you are fanboys to begin with. You guys are
>>>>> so damn dumb you'll swallow anything Microsoft tells you and never
>>>>> question it.
>>>>I troll the trolls.
>>> Frank claims that too. The reality is you two idiots are the real
>>> trolls. Sadly, is isn't just you two morons.
>>> Isn't it time you changed the name you post under to twenty-one? I've
>>> nailed your sorry ass repeatedly with you using fourteen. I'm just
>>> suggesting a way for you to save face. Then again maybe you like me
>>> showing what a jerk you are.

>>Man, you are so clever. I told you I use multiples of seven. Its no
>>Trying to play detective again?
>>Why would I need to save face?
>>What does that mean?
>>I don't wear a shirt that says " I post under multiples of seven T-shirt"

> What you need is some brains. Sorry, I don't know of anyone that sells
> them.

As I have reduced you to babbling, I better leave you alone.
Get some rest.

That's right Win the Grand Prize
All you have to do is keep track of how many times
Adam Albright types the following words in one month.

1. Fanboy
2. Stupid
3. Idiot
4. Frank

There is a special bonus prize if you can quote him using all 4 in the same
Adam Albright wrote:

> What you need is some brains. Sorry, I don't know of anyone that sells
> them.

hehehe...just how fukkin obvious is that...lol!

Vista User wrote:

> That's right Win the Grand Prize
> All you have to do is keep track of how many times
> Adam Albright types the following words in one month.
> 1. Fanboy
> 2. Stupid
> 3. Idiot
> 4. Frank
> There is a special bonus prize if you can quote him using all 4 in the same
> sentence!

Can I play? :-)

"Frank" <fb@osspan.clm> wrote in message
> Vista User wrote:
>> That's right Win the Grand Prize
>> All you have to do is keep track of how many times
>> Adam Albright types the following words in one month.
>> 1. Fanboy
>> 2. Stupid
>> 3. Idiot
>> 4. Frank
>> There is a special bonus prize if you can quote him using all 4 in the
>> same sentence!

> Can I play? :-)
> Frank

Well that would be cheating just a bit don't you think? -)
On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:48:43 -0700, Frank <fb@osspan.clm> wrote:

>Adam Albright wrote:
>> What you need is some brains. Sorry, I don't know of anyone that sells
>> them.

>hehehe...just how fukkin obvious is that...lol!

Completely obvious that you could use some.

Vista User wrote:
> "Frank" <fb@osspan.clm> wrote in message
> news:%23YOnwISDIHA.3548@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>Vista User wrote:
>>>That's right Win the Grand Prize
>>>All you have to do is keep track of how many times
>>>Adam Albright types the following words in one month.
>>>1. Fanboy
>>>2. Stupid
>>>3. Idiot
>>>4. Frank
>>>There is a special bonus prize if you can quote him using all 4 in the
>>>same sentence!

>>Can I play? :-)

> Well that would be cheating just a bit don't you think? -)

Yeah, proly would be. :-)

those words fit together perfectly... i dont see your point?

"Vista User" <VistaRules@NoSpam.net> wrote in message
> That's right Win the Grand Prize
> All you have to do is keep track of how many times
> Adam Albright types the following words in one month.
> 1. Fanboy
> 2. Stupid
> 3. Idiot
> 4. Frank
> There is a special bonus prize if you can quote him using all 4 in the
> same sentence!

"Taibear ios" <Taibear@ios.com> wrote in message
> those words fit together perfectly... i dont see your point?
> "Vista User" <VistaRules@NoSpam.net> wrote in message
> news:feoris$6g7$1@aioe.org...
>> That's right Win the Grand Prize
>> All you have to do is keep track of how many times
>> Adam Albright types the following words in one month.
>> 1. Fanboy
>> 2. Stupid
>> 3. Idiot
>> 4. Frank
>> There is a special bonus prize if you can quote him using all 4 in the
>> same sentence!


BUZZ Sorry try again. (some people will never get it)

1. Fanboy
2. Stupid
3. Idiot
4. Vista User

"Vista User" <VistaUser@nospam.net> wrote in message
> "Taibear ios" <Taibear@ios.com> wrote in message
> news:47101fa6@newsgate.x-privat.org...
>> those words fit together perfectly... i dont see your point?
>> "Vista User" <VistaRules@NoSpam.net> wrote in message
>> news:feoris$6g7$1@aioe.org...
>>> That's right Win the Grand Prize
>>> All you have to do is keep track of how many times
>>> Adam Albright types the following words in one month.
>>> 1. Fanboy
>>> 2. Stupid
>>> 3. Idiot
>>> 4. Frank
>>> There is a special bonus prize if you can quote him using all 4 in the
>>> same sentence!


> BUZZ Sorry try again. (some people will never get it)