Linux solutions


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
At work we have a custom distribution, at home I have a custom distribution.* I was thinking of distributing it.* I have a couple of associates that use it and I have been increasingly using it at work on my own.* The biggest test was my sister in law who is the biggest computer illiterate you can find, she doesn't know how to turn the thing off, seriously.* She has been able to use it and loves it.* It's a remastered Ubuntu distribution with all the proprietary software that makes my black heart go pitter patter.* I recently dropped KDE and went with a modified XFCE desktop.* There are naming restrictions and such as I cant have the words buntu in it because I include my own repositories.

So, what is a good name?* Something professional.* I have thrown out the name OS/3 as IBM might have objections, I threw out OS/360 as Microsoft and IBM might have objections.* If any of the artists want to help out with usplash, GDM and branding drop me an e-mail.

I also don't just want to be another distribution, I have to do something that will set it apart from the rest.* Inclusion of Flash and the Fluendo codecs aren't enough.* While I love and I mean LOVE Microsoft, I don't want to kill it before it leaves the ground although Mono and Monodevelop will ship as the primary development language.

For themes and artwork, it will ship with the OpenSolaris nimbus theme and iconset as the default.* I am looking at the 8.04 LTS as my first possible distribution if it happens.

Advice, suggestions on why this is a terrible idea, a great idea etc. any dialogue please* pass it along.* Any flames, insults and other derogatory commentary can be directed elsewhere.


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