Linux and AV (was: Internet Speed)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Night0wl
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Peter Köhlmann wrote:
> dennis@home wrote:

...snip... There are *NO*

> Because AV for linux is not needed, you moron. There are *no* linux viruses
> in the wild. None, not a single one.

Actually, I'd check that attitude if I were you. You may run Linux, you
may even run Ubuntu, but there are still gaps and holes. Do you employ
Java on any of your machines? How about Flash? Do you run any Windoze
programs under Wine? If you do, or, if you employ ANY cross-platform
applications, then, Linux or no Linux, you're open and liable to attack.

> What AV do you propose for non-existing viruses, you cretinous Vista user?

Avast! for Linux. I've used it for months. It scans both Linux and
Windoze disks on the same run, from the linux side of an Ubuntu/XP
dual-boot laptop, and does show and cure problems on both sides.


Here is a list of linux viruses:

-John Chapman

"Night0wl" <> wrote in message
Peter Köhlmann wrote:
> dennis@home wrote:

....snip... There are *NO*

> Because AV for linux is not needed, you moron. There are *no* linux
> viruses
> in the wild. None, not a single one.

Actually, I'd check that attitude if I were you. You may run Linux, you
may even run Ubuntu, but there are still gaps and holes. Do you employ
Java on any of your machines? How about Flash? Do you run any Windoze
programs under Wine? If you do, or, if you employ ANY cross-platform
applications, then, Linux or no Linux, you're open and liable to attack.

> What AV do you propose for non-existing viruses, you cretinous Vista user?

Avast! for Linux. I've used it for months. It scans both Linux and
Windoze disks on the same run, from the linux side of an Ubuntu/XP
dual-boot laptop, and does show and cure problems on both sides.

