Lenovo W520 laptop freezing problem


Active Member
Apr 5, 2005
Hey guys, strange problem, unit started freezing before it could go the desktop so I did a system restore and now can easily get to the desktop but first issue is that the owner always had to enter his password to enter windows, now that doesn''t happen, when booted the system will go straight to windows. Also rightlicking on the main folders such as My Pictures My Documents e.t.c doesn't work so I am guessing it's a permissions issue. I looked at the Folder Options but not seeing anything there regarding permissions, I want to advise the owner to backup all files first before I should proceed to do anything but since I can't copy and paste that won't work, any ideas please?
No, all folders open and I can play the music files, I just don't have the usual options to copy either any file or the main folders and nothing appears when I rightclick on any of them.
What happens if you make a new folder and place some pictures in it?
Will it allow you to do that or have you tried to strap the drive to another computer and access the files that way?

The reason that I ask is because I'm not so sure that it is a permissions problem since you can access the music files.
it looks like it's the right click tab below the trackpad which was not working as with the tabs above the trackpad is allowing the rightclick options, I copied the 148gb files over to my external so going to run a HDD diagnostics
To update both HDD and RAM tests passed but this machine has a lot of viruses so I am trying to clean it out since the owner wants a recovery only as last option.
Alright so system should be clean of virus, 2 issues I have to sort out, one since only the one right mouse button under the trackpad stopped working a while back according to the owner, I have to assume this is not software related? If yes then the other issues is when the wonder brought the laptop here, I noticed that the wireless net connection wasn't working and still isn't, I installed this driver

Intel WiMAX 6250 AGN for Windows 8 (32-bit, 64-bit), 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista (32-bit, 64-bit), XP - ThinkPad

from the driver page: http://support.lenovo.com/ca/en/pro...books/thinkpad-w-series-laptops/thinkpad-w520

while installing it did show "no adapter installed" and asked if I wanted to complete the setup which I did so does this mean the wireless module is shot?
sorry win7 64bit, Yes I had checked the DM, nothing under Network Adapter is yellowed out, will post a screenshot soon
It's ok, I got the wireless working, there was a wireless switch on the side, all should be fine now, appreciate the help!
After one day the freezing started again so I am going to do the windows recovery as I had suggested to the owner in the first place, after wiping the drive and reinstalling windows if he should still have freezing problems, since both HDD and RAM tests passed, would it be safe to recommend mobo repair?
No, the guy has to bring the unit here in a little while so I am guessing if I do the recovery then no need for the scf/scannow?