Latest windows 8 update has crashed computer


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Hi all, I have a Sony laptop with windows 8 which has just forced me to restart because of an update. When it started back up I noticed that my Dropbox and other notifications were not starting up. When I went to power setting it said "update and restart"
so I assumed it needed to apply further updates. Clicking this or "update and shutdown" did nothing, I could not restart the laptop Having no choice I held down the power button and when it turned off I started it back up. When starting up it said there was
an error and it is fixing it, stating it could take over an hour. About 10 minutes later the screen had lines all over it and it automatically restarted, then it said a problem was encountered and have me the option to restore which I chose. It is now, and
has been for over an half an hour (at time of writing), stuck on the loading screen (black screen with blue windows logo), but no loading icon. But the hard drive light has been on all this time! Anyone else having this problem? Is it actually doing anything?
Any tips on how to get my laptop working again? I have to say I'm not impressed with win8 so far :-(

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