Laptop restarted to install windows updates WITHOUT A WARNING.


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I have an ASUS G55V laptop with Windows 7, and it just restarted on me without a warning or an indication that it was planning to restart (like the yellow box, which wasn't there). It started to configure windows update and I'm sitting here like, "WHAT?!"

I was in the middle of a huge art project on Adobe Illustrator. It did indicate if I wanted to save before quitting, and I thought perhaps I pressed a key that was a shortcut to quitting. I chose cancel, don't quit, and the entire thing disappeared. College
students don't have time to deal with these things, so this is very frustrating.The other thing is my laptop is set to install these updates at 3am... it was 6pm when it restarted. So, whoever is in charge of tweaking this thing, please, fix it. Windows needs to be more obvious in warning the user that it is trying to restart, and it needs
to restart at the time indicated, not fifteen hours later during work. Maybe it could ask, "Hey, I want to restart. You clicked yes, but maybe you read it wrong. Are you sure you wanna restart?" since a box that says "Windows restarting in 3, 2, 1" is scarier
and very last minute, that is, if it even pops up.

In the meantime, if there's any options available, how do I make sure this never happens again? I don't want to be working on a project and saving every twenty seconds because I'm so paranoid that my laptop is gonna restart on me again. I'd like to know
it's agenda so I can focus on my work and relax,Please and thank you. :[

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