Klout 2.0 keeps you on top of social media

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joseph Keller
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Joseph Keller


Klout has been updated to version 2.0, adding a number of features to help users stay in control of their online presence. These include a personalized content stream, content scheduling, a topic explorer, and more.

The content stream is based on your interests. When you see something you like, you can drag it up to the share window above the feed and share with Twitter, Facebook, or both. Edit your list of interests by pulling the feed to the right and releasing or tapping the menu button in the top left corner and selecting Topics. From the menu that appears, you can also select Create, Schedule, and Perks. Create will take you back to the content feed, where you can share things you see and make your own posts. Schedule will allow you to set a certain time for your post to be shared. Perks shows you what Klout Perks you've earned.

You can download Klout 2.0 from the App Store now.




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