

Apr 4, 2006
hi, i know everone is going to ask me why did i wipe my hardrive with a kill disk but i just did ok!!!!! right, i wiped it with a killdisk and now i have no idea how to fix it!
my computer is a dell latitude cpx and the operating system is windows 2000 professional (was windows 2000 professional before i wiped it!!!) if that helps!
when i try to boot it up it gets to a black screen with a black underscore flashing for a bit at the top left corner and then it comes up with- 'no boot sector on harddisk, press F1 to enter setup utility, or F2 to try again' or something similar!
help wood be appreciated because the h/w is stacking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am assuming "killdisk" is meant to wipe a drive clear.. Most programs like this accomplish this by writing all 0's to the drive, which CAN be undone with data recovery software, some will use a multiple write routine, which probably could be recovered if the CIA is investigating you for terroristic activity, but don't count on a commercial program to help you undo the damage here.. Killdisk claims it does a low level format, if that is the case, then your ONLY option is data recovery services which cost an outrageuos amount of money. So I'd say unless you have about $60,000,000 at stake in a Swiss bank account with the info to retrieve it on the hard drive, and funds to use a data recovery service, I'd just call that data gone !!

Lesson learned ... KNOW what you are doing next time !!!